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Emphatic People Can Develop Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia And Exhaustion

Emphatic People Can Develop Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia And Exhaustion

The world would certainly not be so beautiful without the empaths. By their ability to understand, to love people and to do everything to help them. People like Ghandi and Mother Theresa have helped make this land a better place to live. Such noble human qualities are surely a sign of a great capacity for empathy, and are generally associated with greater vulnerability to adrenal fatigue and exhaustion.

What is an empath?

Empaths are people with an eminent ability to empathize. Hypersensitive, these people have the ability to feel and absorb the energies of their environment. They perceive the energy, emotions, mood and state (psychic and physical) of others to the point of being able to feel them even more intensely.

Characteristics of the empathes

- Hypersensitive
Empaths are very sensitive to the energies of the world and the people around them and they react deeply, consciously or unconsciously.

- Chameleons
By sharing the feelings of others, it's as if they slip into their skins. They put themselves in their places, see the world through their eyes and even behave like them.
The chameleon effect is when one adapts so much to the other that one thinks and acts like him, to forget oneself.

- Generous with a big heart
When their neighbor suffers or is in trouble, the empaths feel it in their hearts. Such sharing of the moods of others leads them to empathize with their neighbor for what they want for themselves. This is what makes them great altruists and generous.

- Avoid numerous gatherings
Crowds and busy places affect the empaths by assailing them with heterogeneous and contradictory emotions. It gives them the effect of emotional lifts that tire them and drain them of their energy.

Empaths are particularly vulnerable to adrenal fatigue.

The adrenal glands produce more than 50 hormones essential for the proper functioning of the body. Among them, cortisol. It is the hormone that allows the body to cope with stress.

Adrenal exhaustion occurs when the body is subjected to repeated "fight or flight" situations and the superstimulated adrenal glands continually produce an increased amount of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. when they are no longer able to respond to this continual stimulation: they get tired and are no longer able to produce the amounts of cortisol appropriate to the situation.
The person is then exhausted and is no longer able to perform the tasks of daily life normally.

How can you, as an empath, overcome adrenal fatigue?

The emotional lifts that empaths experience when they are in society is a particularly stressful phenomenon. They have, more than others, a great need for rest to allow their body and their adrenal glands a good recovery.

Know how to say "no"
The empaths, by their altruistic character, always willing to help others and to serve them, even to sacrifice themselves, feel easily guilty of not going to meet their needs, especially since they do not imagine not even deny them help.
Know how to share things. How could an exhausted person help the world? You need time for yourself, so is your balance and your health.

Have a better diet
Skipping meals, eating junk food or doing intensive sports workouts puts the body at significant stress levels. Do not inflict this extra stress on your body.

Meditation is a great way to refocus on yourself and empty. You could practice ten minutes of meditation daily to rejuvenate and purify yourself of all the stress stored up during the day. Also take care of your sleep to help your body recover.

Take some time for yourself
To constantly feel the emotions of others and to be affected by the different energies of their environment, it is in calm and solitude that empaths find their respite.

The moments of solitude are precious, cultivate them.

Go in the nature
The empaths, by their sensitivity to their environment and their energies, nourish a deep love for nature and are very attached to it. They come to life in contact with nature, animals and plants.

When you feel overwhelmed and overwhelmed, take a walk in nature.

Take care of yourself
It is important that all empathers take care of their adrenal glands and get enough rest, as it has been estimated that 80% of people in industrialized countries would suffer from adrenal exhaustion at some point in their lives.
Emphatic People Can Develop Adrenal Fatigue, Insomnia And Exhaustion