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Essential Oils Will Soon Replace Antibiotics

Essential Oils Will Soon Replace Antibiotics

Since the historical use of sulfanilamide and then penicillin in humans during the 20th century, the efficacy of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases has been widely established. However, scientists agree that the excessive use of antibiotics for people and animals reduces their effectiveness. Not to mention that bacteria tend to mutate to resist drugs. From this reflection, it has been established that certain essential oils are capable of competing with or even surpassing antibiotic therapy.

Consequences of overuse of antibiotics
The use of antibiotics for all kinds of ailments and especially to treat a simple cold or flu has become commonplace and is even a real automatism. Every time we take antibiotics, our body develops resistance, it becomes less and less effective and any bacterium that survives the treatment also develops a resistance from where on arrival, obtaining some inefficiency.

One of the worst aspects of drug-resistant bacteria is that an alarming number is found on a slimy, sticky, so-called biofilm substance that forms on medical devices, including implants.

Studies highlight the effectiveness of essential oils
In a study, Mohan Jacob, head of the electrical and electronics engineering department at James Cook University (JCU) in Queensland, Australia, and his team used nanotechnology to harness the power of antimicrobial molecules from plants to create antibacterial coatings.

About 80% of infections associated with surgery worldwide may be associated with biofilm formation. That's why more and more doctors are turning to natural agents with antibacterial properties, such as tea tree oil, as studies show that it can help prevent millions of infections each year. Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) is an essential oil that creates a bioactive coating to prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to medical devices.

Mohan Jacob describes essential oils as a "low-cost renewable resource available in commercial quantities, with limited toxicity and potentially having different mechanisms to fight bacteria than synthetic antibiotics."

Adnane Remmal, pharmacologist and research professor at the University of Fez in Morocco, has designed after ten years of research, a substance based on essential oils that, combined with antibiotics, helps eliminate the most resistant bacteria. The Professor was awarded the 2017 European Patent Office Inventor Award. At present, essential oils are still combined with antibiotics to make them more powerful, but in the long term, Professor Remmal would like to gradually eliminate the drugs to use only essential oils, which would revolutionize the medical world.

Effects of essential oils on bacteria
Antibacterial essential oils will kill bacteria effectively, preventing them from growing and multiplying. Exploration techniques called aromatogram close to the antibiogram allow today to make a significant connection between the sensitivity of certain bacteria to specific essential oils. Essential oils, by disrupting cell metabolism, will affect the vital functions of bacteria such as the ionic balance of the cell. In addition to this bactericidal activity which makes it possible to kill the bacteria, a bacteriostatic activity is added, that is to say which limits the development and multiplication of the bacteria.

If in doubt about the use of a particular essential oil, consult an aromatherapist who can provide more precise indications and essential oils appropriate to your case.

In general, essential oils are strongly discouraged for children under 3 years, pregnant women or breastfeeding, as well as people with neurological disorders such as epilepsy. If in doubt, seek advice from a health professional.
Essential Oils Will Soon Replace Antibiotics