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15 Foods That Quickly Revitalize Your Kidneys

15 Foods That Quickly Revitalize Your Kidneys

The kidneys, essential organs of the human body whose main role is to filter the blood and detoxify the body by eliminating waste and resorbing the excess through the urine, are basic in the proper functioning of the human body . Hence the importance of preserving them by enforcing a healthy and balanced diet.

foods that quickly revitalize your kidneys

In addition to their role of detoxifying and filtering waste from the body in the urine, the kidneys also produce hormones that rebalance the production of red blood cells, blood pressure and bone metabolism; a role of weight in the functioning of the human organism. In order to limit or even to prevent any renal dysfunction, it is essential to favor a healthy and balanced diet, giving pride of place to other fruits and vegetables that are preferably alkalizing.

Here are 15 foods to eat regularly, which will help keep your kidneys healthy and revitalized.

foods that quickly revitalize your kidneys

The cabbage
Possessing phytochemicals and rich in vitamins K and C, B6, folic acid and fiber, cabbage will make a weighty companion if you want to preserve the health of your kidneys and will also act as an excellent tonic. A tailored cabbage diet will also provide good detoxification and elimination of toxins from the body.

foods that quickly revitalize your kidneys

Thanks to their high antioxidant content, berries such as strawberries, cranberries, raspberries and blueberries help improve the functioning of the urinary system and provide an effective barrier against free radicals. Rich in antioxidants, their consumption helps eliminate uric acid through the kidneys to clean and revitalize.

Fish containing large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and these by their strong anti-inflammatory action, prevent and avoid all possibilities of infection and inflammation of the urinary tract and urethra. Not to mention the amino acids and minerals that help reduce the risk of suffering from inflammatory disorders and promote cellular regeneration of the kidneys.

Egg whites
Equipped with a large amount of protein, the egg whites help to facilitate the metabolism of the body by producing less waste thus less demanding the kidneys.

Olive oil
The acids contained in the oil have an effective anti-inflammatory effect throughout the entire human body and mainly on the kidneys. This also makes it possible to reduce the oxidative stress that can alter the operation thereof.

Garlic is composed of many anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious and antioxidant attributes to eliminate toxic substances from the blood and its anticoagulant properties improve the circulation of the blood, which contributes to more oxygen supply for the kidneys .

Allicin, the active ingredient contained in the onion, acts as an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agent that can easily restore renal function and reduce excessive accumulation of toxins.

Red peppers
Red peppers help fight inflammation and help maintain the level of electrolytes. Thanks to their antioxidant content and diuretic substances, they stimulate the functioning of the kidneys to promote the evacuation of the liquids retained in the tissues.

In addition to its purifying qualities that stimulate the elimination of toxins and accumulated substances such as uric acid, cauliflower actively promotes a diuretic effect on the body.

Apples are rich in soluble fiber and antioxidants. They thus contribute to the elimination of waste and toxins from the body while accelerating and stimulating the process of renal function.

The excess glucose that results from diabetes can significantly damage the kidneys. Also, the consumption of cinnamon is all indicated to regulate the glucose levels in the blood. This can help the body to better manage the glucose dose and thus preserve kidney function. Its ability to eliminate blood clots and improve blood circulation will increase blood flow to the kidneys.

Red beans
Containing as much soluble fiber as the apple, red kidney beans, will actively participate in the elimination of toxins from the body. Not to mention their wealth of minerals and antioxidants that promote the improvement of the functioning of the urinary system and help to cleanse the kidneys.

Java tea
Java Tea, commonly used in kidney dysfunctions, helps lower creatinine and uric acid levels, and increases glomerular filtration and renal blood flow, making it easier to remove toxins and wastes.

foods that quickly revitalize your kidneys

Ginger contains antioxidant compounds beneficial for kidney function. It also has cleansing properties and purifies the blood and kidneys of all toxins via the urine.

foods that quickly revitalize your kidneys
Rich in vitamin A and C, in molybdenum, potassium, manganese and fiber, cucumber is great for helping the body eliminate excess uric acid that can cause these kidney stones. In addition, by its diuretic action, it promotes the elimination of uric acid and the dissolution of kidney stones.