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This 116-Year-Old Granny Says The Secret Of Her Longevity Is Chocolate

This 116-Year-Old Granny Says The Secret Of Her Longevity Is Chocolate

All doctors will tell you, the first thing to check if you want to live long and healthy is your diet. The foods we eat on a daily basis can make a big difference in improving our health and fighting a range of diseases. In this article, we will share with you the secret food that has allowed this woman to live long and healthy.

Until now, science has not yet discovered the cure of death. However, there is no doubt that certain factors such as good nutrition, regular physical activity, and good sleep can make a big difference in preventing disease and increasing longevity. Discover the magic food that this woman consumed daily to live longer.

Giuseppina Projetto - The grandmother of Italy:
Deceased last July at the age of 116, Giuseppina Projetto was considered to be the oldest person in Europe. And this is why the Italians called her "The Nonna of Italy", or the grandmother of Italy.

Born May 30, 1902, Giuseppina Projetto lived an ordinary life like all the others of her generation. And contrary to what some people might believe, her life was not completely free from sorrows and pains, the latter even experienced a great tragedy: The loss of her son at the age of 39 years.

When the journalists asked Giuseppina what was the secret of his longevity, his answer was at least we can say, surprisingly! She said that in addition to her positive attitude, she ate a piece of dark chocolate every day. A food she loves so much and to whom she attributes her longevity and good health.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate?
In addition to its divine and so particular taste, chocolate has many virtues for health. Here is a non-exhaustive list of all the benefits that chocolate consumption can bring you:
  • Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants very effective against a variety of diseases including cancer. The latter also make it possible to improve the body's immune defenses and to fight against the effects of free radicals.
  • The amount of antioxidants present in dark chocolate is greater than that of fruit juices. This is what makes him an ally of weight for all people who want to fight against skin aging, and have skin without imperfections.
  • Dark chocolate is very rich in magnesium. The latter has excellent power to fight against stress, anxiety and problems related to sleep. It is for this reason that many people experience a sense of relaxation and relaxation after consuming chocolate.
  • Dark chocolate contains a lot of catechin, a substance that helps strengthen mental performance, reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body, and fight against diabetes.

Warnings :
  • If you want to consume chocolate, opt for organic dark chocolate without sugar, and avoid milk chocolate, or other types of chocolate that contain more chemicals than cocoa.
  • Dark chocolate is a caloric food, consume it in moderation to avoid weight gain.
  • If you are undergoing medical treatment, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor before consuming chocolate.

What are the tips for improving your health and living longer?

Although Giuseppina thought that dark chocolate is the ultimate secret of its longevity, other important guidelines are to follow if you want to stay healthy and live longer. Here they are :
  • Adopt a healthy and balanced diet, focus on foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and avoid processed foods that are too fat, too salty, or too sweet.
  • Fight against physical inactivity and stress by exercising regularly and adapting to your physical abilities.
  • Sleep enough (At least 8 hours a day).
  • Moisturize your body by drinking a sufficient amount of water (1.5 to 2 liters per day)
  • Keep a stable weight. If you are overweight, do not hesitate to consult a nutritionist in order to benefit from a food program adapted to your situation.Ban smoking and limit or even avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Never take medication without a prescription.
  • Develop your mental performance by always learning new things, and practicing diversified and constructive activities.
  • Fight depression and anxiety by keeping a positive attitude and having an active social life.
  • Perform regular medical exams, even if you do not notice any dysfunction.
This 116-year-old Granny Says The Secret Of Her Longevity Is Chocolate