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People Who Are Always Late Are More Successful, Live Longer After Studies

People Who Are Always Late Are More Successful, Live Longer After Studies

You surely know someone around you who, whatever the reason, is always late. It looks like it's stronger and the delay is part of his life. So that one would go so far as to ask if it does it on purpose ... Anyway, it is the others who do most often the expenses of its cruel lack of punctuality, and it is possible that this any profit for her.

If you are not one of those incorrigible latecomers, surely you have learned the hard way that you can never really rely on someone who is always late. Especially since such an attitude is really very frustrating and it also reflects a certain lack of respect for others.

Yet, studies show that the characteristics that make a person always late for appointments are the same as those that make a person successful in life. That's amazing information, is not it? It may also seem unfair: why, me, who gives me so much trouble every day to be on time at all my appointments, will I have a chance to succeed in life that another person who does not is it ever?

Here are four things people who are always late and who give them the benefit of being more successful in life, or even living longer.

1. They are less stressed
Being always late would indicate less anxiety and stress with respect to fixed schedules and rigid time limits. Faced with these, late people would have a more relaxed attitude. These people, more relaxed, would also live longer.

Research has shown that working conditions, such as a stressful work environment, can reduce a person's life expectancy by up to thirty-three years.

Being less stressed on a daily basis induces a lower blood pressure, associated with a lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular disorders and having a heart attack.

2. They are more optimistic and have unrealistic expectations
For Diana DeLonzor, author of Never Late Again, people who are late all the time would be both optimistic and unrealistic.

On the subject of optimism, this quality is linked to better health and a lower mortality rate among young people. In this regard, Harvard Health Publishing argues that "being optimistic early in life can predict better health and lower mortality over the 15 to 40 year period. "

Optimism would also be linked to greater success in life. This is demonstrated by a study that found that optimistic employees were able to sell up to 88 per cent more goods and services than pessimistic employees.

3. They are perfectionists
For Dr. Linda Sapadin, Time Management Specialist at the American Psychological Association, people who are always late "are perfectionists who can not leave the house until the dishwasher is empty. that the linen is not folded. For perfectionists, everything must be well done and well done. It is inconceivable for them to make a sloppy job or not to come to an appointment look impeccable.

Dr. Sapadin adds that perfectionism can be disturbing to a friend but can be a great asset to an employee, leading to a career progression.

4. They perceive time differently
People who are always late would underestimate the time it takes them to do the tasks of daily living by about 40%.

In a study by the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, students were separated into two groups. In one, the most energetic and ambitious students and in the other, the most creative and relaxed students. Then, one minute elapsed after which all participants were asked to estimate the elapsed time. Students in the first group estimated the time to be 58 seconds, compared to 77 for the second group.

Thus, it is not surprising that people in the second group, who perceive the minutes longer than they actually are, will fall behind during the day.

What to think of all this?
All of this does not of course mean that one must start being late to be more successful in life and live longer; but that can at least encourage us to develop the four qualities above,
People Who Are Always Late Are More Successful, Live Longer After Studies