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Physical Exercises To Live Long, According To Scientists

Physical Exercises To Live Long, According To Scientists

The benefits of a physically active lifestyle are undeniable. Physical exercise plays a key role in improving cardiorespiratory fitness, maintaining physical function and correcting biological risk factors such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. In this article, we present the exercises that are essential for living a long time, according to scientists.

The importance of physical activity for the human body

Exercise helps strengthen muscles
Exercise plays a vital role in building your muscles. Plus, incorporating exercise into your lifestyle releases hormones that allow your muscles to absorb the amino acids from the foods you consume.

Physical exercise helps you sleep well
Given the fact that physical activity makes you more tired, you will not have trouble sleeping. Good quality sleep helps improve your overall well-being and can reduce stress.

Exercise improves your mood and improves your well-being
Physical activity stimulates the release of endorphins, which makes you feel better and more relaxed.

Regular exercise decreases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Regular exercise helps control blood sugar, which helps prevent obesity, which is a critical factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.

Exercise can help prevent and treat mental illnesses like depression
Physical activity can help you meet people, reduce stress, deal with frustration, and give you a sense of accomplishment and success.

Exercise is effective for weight loss
Many studies claim that exercise helps to lose weight. In addition, workouts help digestion, burn fat and strengthen your body.

Here are the physical exercises to live long, according to the science

Exercise strengthens your body, protecting it from harmful health factors that often turn into dreadful diseases. As surprising as it may seem to you, incorporating half an hour of moderate exercise five days a week can increase your lifespan by up to three or four years.

How to do ?

Start by doing a little warm up to prepare your muscles for this test. Then try to bend down trying to reach the ground with your hands. It is essential to keep your legs and back straight.

Test results

20-25 years

You can touch the ground with your hands while keeping your legs straight. Your muscles are rather relaxed.

25-38 years

You can touch the ground with your fingertips and bend your knees slightly. Exercise is not really comfortable for you.

38-50 years

Your fingers can touch the upper part of your feet, your knees are bent and your muscles are stretched. You can hardly maintain this position, you want to get up as soon as possible.

More than 50 years

You can not touch your feet, and this position is totally uncomfortable for you.

How to improve your flexibility

If you are not satisfied with your results, you can look up to 30 times a day. You will notice surprising changes in a month.

This is because this exercise helps you strengthen your ligaments and tendons, improving flexibility at any age.

There are a number of benefits to maintaining a regular fitness routine. By exercising, you will notice a change in your self-confidence, decreased anxiety, and improved overall well-being.