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Researchers Reveal The True Cause Of Gluten Intolerance (And Gluten Is Not The Cause)

Researchers Reveal The True Cause Of Gluten Intolerance (And Gluten Is Not The Cause)

Gluten intolerance, also known as celiac disease, is one of the most common digestive diseases, characterized by permanent intolerance to one or more gluten protein fractions, such as gliadin. Only 10 to 20% of cases are diagnosed today.

Celiac disease may be mono-symptomatic or atypical and manifest as either iron deficiency anemia or osteoporosis, or muscle cramps, irregular periods, or stomatitis.

At present, about 1% of the population suffers from celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder caused by the consumption of gluten proteins from genetic modifications of wheat, spelled, oats and rye. or barley for practical reasons of industrialization and profitability.

However, according to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Oslo in Norway and Monash University in Australia and published in the journal Gastroenterology, gluten is not the culprit of the symptoms and at the same time, of the disease. The mis en cause is in fact the fructan consisting of several fructose residues belonging to fructo-oligosaccharides more commonly called FOS and consisting of several fructose residues.

The responsible fructans?
The study included a panel of 59 non-celiac people who consumed gluten-free foods and who were asked to consume cereal bars of three types. One type contained gluten, another fructan and the third did not contain it. The subjects were divided into three groups, each consuming one bar a day for a week, before taking a break for a week and then eating the next bar without knowing what type of bar they were consuming.

The results of the experiment clearly showed that the fructan bar caused an abdominal swelling 15% higher than that of the neutral cereal bar and that the gastrointestinal symptoms increased by 13%. Nevertheless, the results of the gluten bar did not differ from the neutral cereal bar.

Confusion effects of gluten and fructans in subjects
What explains this intolerance and especially the confusion with that related to gluten, is the fact that humans do not have the necessary enzyme to break down the molecular chains of fructose which are composed of fructans, which end up being poorly absorbed in the body. small intestine thus causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas or even bloating.

Like gluten, which is derived from artificial genetic modification, the addition of fructans to processed foods is a trend that is increasingly used in the food industry. The latter (especially inulin) is considered as an ingredient that can increase the fiber content of processed foods that can promote the growth of intestinal bacteria and cause intolerance in some subjects.

In conclusion, the study reveals that common symptoms of gluten sensitivity may actually be caused by poor digestion of fructans found in various gluten-based foods.

Gluten or fructans?
Glucose intolerance is already difficult enough to diagnose, confusion with fructans added to it, it is essential to distinguish between the two via a diet adapted to the effects, will deviate or gluten, either fructans; especially in people with intestinal disorders.

It is also important to note that foods with a high fructan content are:
  • Asparagus
  • Garlic in large quantities
  • Leek
  • Onions
  • Wheat in large quantities

Also, in case of chronic bloating, it would be wise to reduce the consumption of these foods for about a month and reinsert gradually to your diet to know which foods can be the real cause of these inconveniences.

Cause Of Gluten Intolerance (And Gluten Is Not The Cause)