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Stroke Is The Leading Cause Of Death For Women, Here Are These Symptoms

Stroke Is The Leading Cause Of Death For Women, Here Are These Symptoms

The cerebrovascular accident is now, the leading cause of death in women. It can just as easily intervene at any time in anybody, as being revealing of a dysfunction already existing. Of course, there are common symptoms of a stroke for men and women, but there are also more specific events for women.

Stroke is in France, the leading cause of death among women with 18,300 deaths and the third leading cause of death among men. This inequality lies in the fact that women have a longer life expectancy and are endowed with certain hormones that are absent in men. These hormones are also known to influence blood clotting and the development of blood vessels. This circulatory disorder prevents oxygen from reaching certain brain cells.

Types of stroke
There are two types of stroke, one ischemic and the other hemorrhagic. The former is characterized by a lack of blood supply that damages brain tissue and / or narrowing of blood vessels, which requires a treatment that prevents clots from growing and limits the risk of new clots. The second type occurs when a rupture of the cerebral vessels causes constant pressure and swelling in the brain. This involves the prescription of a medication that will lower blood pressure. In the most severe cases, angioplasty can also be used.

Signs and Symptoms of Stroke

Sudden violent headache may be a precursor to a stroke, especially if it is followed by vomiting and nausea.

Sudden fatigue
Somnolence, sudden mood changes, irritability or confusion are also telltale signs of stroke.

Visual impairment
One of the first features of stroke onset is a deficit or a vision disorder. Most of the time, this symptom appears suddenly.

Acute pain in the chest
One of the other symptoms of stroke is sudden pain in the chest, accompanied by a feeling of tightness.

If you feel disoriented or lose control of your language, behavior, or actions, it may also indicate the imminence of a stroke.

Loss of consciousness
Loss of consciousness is one of the signals of stroke that can either inform a vessel that is directly connected to the brainstem has become clogged, or that it has broken causing hemorrhage.

Recognize and act on stroke
Since stroke can cause serious sequelae or even death, it is urgent and vital to respond effectively from the first symptoms.

While waiting for the help, it is essential to make the person potentially suffering a stroke react by stimulating it and carrying out some quick checks:

If you notice an unusually long or confusing speech, get the person to speak, ask questions, and have words or a simple sentence repeated to check for language disorders.

If there is some confusion in your movements, ask the person to raise both hands or both arms. in case of stroke, one of the two hands or one of the two arms will not follow the other and may fall back.

Ask the person to grit their teeth, smile at you or even pull their tongue out. If you notice a certain asymmetry in the face, it is characteristic of the stroke.

Ask the person to shake your hands. If the pressure is lower on one side, it is also a sign of stroke.

Apart from people who are already at risk, such as diabetics, people with heart problems, people with migraines or those with a sleep disorder, it is important to put into practice and maintain a healthy balance of life. This involves a balanced diet, reducing or even stopping alcohol and tobacco, and of course, regular physical activity.
Signs and Symptoms of Stroke