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There Is A Reason Why Moms Are Always Tired, Even After A Full Night's Sleep

There Is A Reason Why Moms Are Always Tired, Even After A Full Night's Sleep

Being a mother involves a huge load of diverse and varied responsibilities in everyday life. Heavily solicited from birth to an indefinite age, a mother assumes her role with constant energy and commitment; a role which is qualified as multi-purpose and which falls to it. Between housework, baby bottles, stress and lack of sleep, a certain fatigue combined with a mental load can take place and give way to an almost permanent anxiety.

Who said that being a mother was easy? Between the organization of everyday life, constant attention and the multiplication of household chores, this role, to say the least arduous, does not necessarily rhyme with rest or relaxation and everyone will agree that the life of mother and parents does not exist. is not always pink.

Maternal exhaustion

Apart from the joy of being a mother, in some respects this mission of almost every moment is not necessarily a quiet river. In a society where the culture of urgency is developing, some mothers live in almost constant physical and emotional fatigue. And when we are dealing with moms who combine a life of mother with that of working-woman, the need to constantly juggle and assume both front, is a real obstacle course.

In a world where the "work" of a mother is not necessarily recognized, she can be pumped all her energy without even being able to recharge her batteries, even after complete nights sleep. A real daily challenge when you're running out of time!

Victims of mental charge?

No to-do list worthy of the name can not change anything! When the mental charge has set in, it's hard to regain the strength and insight of yesteryear. Thinking about everything, every moment to ensure the proper functioning of the home is a "attribution" that weighs heavily in everyday life and some women may not have the notion that they suffer from mental and emotional load. Besides, what place for a social life and a life of a couple?

Even if men are also concerned with the mental burden and also suffer from it, we can unsurprisingly find that women are more subject to this cognitive state linked to an almost perfectionist management of everyday life, hence the importance of involving the spouse. or the husband by making him also responsible for his home at the risk of suffering a real burnout situation.

According to new study, in 2010 alone, women were responsible for 64% of household chores and 71% of parental tasks in their homes, and this inequality has only slightly decreased since the 85s.

How to reverse the trend?

The first approach to have when you want to lighten your daily life and at the same time his mind, is to learn to let go and realize that everything can be perfect or millimeter at any time. A woman has not created her own home and she must learn to delegate to her husband or spouse and redefine the roles of each to rebalance the organization of everyday life.

It is also essential to transmit the good values to the children by empowering them and involving them as early as possible so that they can reproduce the learned patterns and lighten the load of their parents.

It is also possible to seek help from grandparents whenever possible. The latter, if they are available and if they do not suffer from health problems, can be a support on which the parents can rely on them. Grandparents can help with education, childcare during working hours or during holidays, so that parents can have a time of their own to relax and unwind.

Apart from all this, of course, try as much as you can, to spend time just for yourself! It is even an obligation to be able to renew one's energy.
Why Moms Are Always Tired, Even After A Full Night's Sleep