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Study Confirms Carcinogenic Effects Of Ultra High Frequency Mobile Phone Radiation

Study Confirms Carcinogenic Effects Of Ultra High Frequency Mobile Phone Radiation

It's proven. There is a link between the radiation of mobile phones and the appearance of cancer. Scientists call the International Agency for Research on Cancer - an intergovernmental agency created by the WHO - to re-evaluate the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves resulting from the use of cell phones.

Extensive study by the European Ramazzini Foundation, a private Italian research institute for oncology, has shown that there is clear evidence on the effects of mobile phone radiation on cancer development from experiments in rats According to a publication published in March 2018, the Ramazzini Institute has even reported an increase in cases of malignant tumors on cells of the nervous system (the glial cells) in females of the experimental group.

These findings echo a similar study by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), led by the US Department of Health, which released a first set of results in 2016, and converged on the same findings, demonstrating that male rats long exposed to cellular radiation developed a neuroma of the heart, a rare benign cardiac tumor. Further findings are expected in autumn 2018. This large-scale study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, one of the largest government institutions in the US, on radiofrequency-induced cancer risks, is already delivering results. conclusive because, as stated Philippe Vernier, Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific Research, "the independence of this institution vis-à-vis industrial lobbies and the rigor of the methodology used confer real credibility to this study" .

Fiorella Belpoggi, author of the recent study in question and Director of the Ramazzini Institute for Cancer Research says, in an article in the Italian daily Corriere Di Bologna, that "the results on the link between cancerous tumors and prolonged exposure Rats at different radio frequency levels confirm and reinforce NTP's previously published findings on the effects of mobile phone waves, as both studies converge on an increase in brain tumor cases in laboratory rats. Combined, these studies provide enough guidance to call on the International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate and re-classify the potential carcinogenic risks of radiation to humans. " The experiment involved 2448 laboratory rats, from their prenatal life to their natural death, in an environment exposing them to cell waves for 19 hours a day, reproducing radio frequency emissions similar to those emitted by antennas telephony relay.

"This study by an institution whose credibility is not to be questioned has revealed major discoveries indicating that there are strong reasons to worry about the side effects of electromagnetic waves emitted by base stations" adds

Dr. Jose Domingo Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Research and professor of toxicology at a Spanish university.

Renowned Professor of Environmental Health Science David O. Carpenter (University of Albany, NY) Graduate of Harvard University, Insists: "This Study Highlights Public Health Risks Including the Danger of Living close to a base station. Governments need to take action to reduce exposure to relay antennas, which should be far from schools, hospitals and residential areas. Public health agencies also have a role to play in informing the public about ways to reduce exposure to all sources of radiation, from magnetic waves emitted by relay antennas, to radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones or from mobile phones. Wifi terminals. The question is particularly urgent today as it is planned to build 5G base stations every 300m in many cities in the United States. These small antennas will thus lead to continuous exposure to radio frequencies, having the effect of significantly increasing the risk of cancer ". Governments have a duty to strengthen regulations to "protect users from non-thermal exposures", says Dr. Ronald Melnick, a former toxicologist with the National Institue of Health who has led work on the link between cancer and mobile phones .

Studies conducted independently by the Ramazzani Institute and NTP reveal a considerable increase in cases of malignant tumors observed in rats of the respective experiments.

In January 2017, at an international conference organized by the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and the Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies of Jerusalem, Fiorella Belpoggi of the Ramazzini Institute, presented the results mentioned above on the link between the occurrence of cancer in rats and radio frequencies (presentation available here) emphasizing the study's recommendations for "increased vigilance for children and pregnant women".

Environmental Health Agency President EHT Devra Davis recalls that "the limit values of exposure to waves were established at the time when the use of phones were infrequent, but in light of the consistent results of different studies EHT joins public health experts from the State of California, France, Israel and Belgium to appeal to governments and the private sector on the urgency of promoting measures to protect the health of populations. These measures include awareness campaigns for more responsible use of electromagnetic devices, better deployment of relay stations and network infrastructure to reduce overexposure to radio frequencies, and the implementation of risk-based precautionary and preventive measures. known to date ". The California Department of Health has recently (14 December 2017) published a press release officially recognizing the public health risks of mobile phones and has issued a list of recommendations to users to protect themselves from the risks of radio frequencies:
  • Keep your mobile phone away from your body, and never in your pants pocket or bra
  • Reduce the use of the phone when the signal is weak
  • Reduce the use of the phone when it is used in streaming to watch video or music, or when downloading digitally heavy documents
  • Leave the phone out of bed at night
  • Remove the headphones from the phone and remove them from the ears when not phoning, as they transmit the waves
  • Avoid products that are supposed to protect radio frequency waves and that can actually increase the exposure to these waves.

The health of smartphone users is thus seriously endangered. Even in France we are worried about the problem. This is explained by Annie J. Sasco, former Director of the Epidemiology Unit for Cancer Prevention at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), attached to the World Health Organization: "This publication confirms the adverse effects on health [...] although the experience was limited to a relatively small sample. The results are nonetheless conclusive and should not be ignored. [...] In May 2011, the IARC classified exposure to electromagnetic fields as a possible carcinogen. Since new studies have accumulated, epidemiological, but also experimental. And these studies have confirmed this carcinogenic character.

Following the review of the NTP study on March 28, which Dr. Annie J. Sasco participated alongside a panel of experts, she said: "It is now more than ever time to act for protect the health of the people, especially the most vulnerable ".

Dr. Devra Davis who also participated in this review, will add, regarding specific risks for children and youth: "My research and the work of dozens of other scientists show that sperm is damaged by the radiation of mobile phones. The Cleveland Clinic advises men who want to become fathers to take the phone out of their pockets. "

Today, more than a dozen countries recommend reducing the exposure of radio frequencies, especially to children, and countries like China, Italy and India have stricter regulations on radio safety. frequencies than those in force in the United States.

These conclusions are disturbing to say the least, and demonstrate, once again, how science can sometimes be dangerous for humans.
Study Confirms Carcinogenic Effects Of Radio Frequencies Emitted By Mobile Phones