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One Day, You Will Be The Best Thing That Happens To Someone

One Day, You Will Be The Best Thing That Happens To Someone

To all heartbroken people who feel that they have been fooled, who think that all their lives, they have gone only chess chess and found themselves wounded, bruised and unhappy. To all these people: do not lose hope, because a day will come when you will fall on the right person, the one who will deserve you, who will appreciate you to your true value and who will thank Heaven for having you.

One day you will see ...
One day you will be the reason someone will believe again. Believe in him, in true love and in his own potential, because you will shed light on everything he hid, everything he neglected and what he thought no one would ever see.

One day you will be the person someone else is looking for. You will embody what he has always dreamed of. You will be the person he thought he would never find on this earth. You will be his embodiment of perfection. You will represent everything for him and he will do everything to keep you.

One day you will be the one who will heal someone's broken heart. You will be the person who will make him smile again and make him feel loved again. You will be the person who will make his pain disappear. You will be the one who has repaired a broken heart and taught him to love again.

One day you will be the reason someone will stay. You will be the reason why he will not flee anymore. You will be the person who will make him want to settle down. You will do what no one else has been able to do. You will be the exception to the rule. You will be the story that everyone tells when they want to believe in fairy tales again.

One day, you will be the reason why love will seem easy to someone. It will not be boring. It will not be toxic. It will not be unilateral. It will be strong, passionate, poignant and effortless. It will be a sweet trip. It will be the beautiful love that one recognizes only after having lived the bad ones.

One day, you will be the best thing that can happen to someone. He will thank God every day for putting you on his way. He will be grateful for your presence in his life because it will make him feel alive. He will wonder what he has done to deserve someone like you. He will walk with a huge smile on your lips thanks to you.

One day, you will understand why they have all left you. Why they betrayed you, why it never lasted with anyone else. Because you will be with the one who will bring out the best of you and who will know that you are the best person for him.

One day you will be the person who will arrive at the goal. You will know that the research is finally over and that your happy ending is right there.

Obstacles are part of life
Life is unfair, it's a fact. For some, it seems easy and everything seems to succeed. But for others, it is a journey fraught with hardships and pitfalls. Sometimes everything falls on us and it's as if the whole world is fighting against us. In these moments, you have to fight and continue without ever giving up.

Accept that there are obstacles and difficult situations in your path and use all your inner resources to overcome them. Only when they are behind you will you realize that you have come out stronger and stronger, and that you have learned lessons that will serve you for the rest of your life.

Do not lose hope
After all, you do not know what life can do for you. Fate does things as well and it may be that all the difficulties you are going through and the long wait for better days are a blessing for you. Keep hope and never give up. Keep moving forward and you will definitely be rewarded. Keep in mind that the tunnels have a mouth, that after the rain comes the good weather, and that the efforts are never in vain for those who persevere.