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Relieve Your Sciatica, Hip And Lower Back Pain With These Tips

Relieve Your Sciatica, Hip And Lower Back Pain With These Tips

Relieve Your Sciatica

Sciatic pain is a pain that spreads all along the sciatic nerve from the lower back to sometimes reaching the feet through the back of the leg. It is triggered by irritation of the sciatic nerve and affects 4 out of 10 people. In this article, we present six effective stretches to relieve the pain caused by this irritation.

According to the Neurosurgery campus, "root sciatica by herniated disc is very common in adults (about 100,000 cases a year in France, motivating 37,000 interventions). In the neurosurgical departments, it represents approximately 25 to 30% of the operative activity. "

The sciatic nerve is a nerve that comes from the lower back on each side of the spine, and is located deep in the buttocks, under the piriformis muscle. As a result, its constriction or swelling can cause sciatic pain and irritation.

People who suffer from sciatica commonly describe pain as a burning sensation. They may experience weakness in the affected leg, and the pain may worsen with sudden movements, such as coughing.

The most common causes of sciatica are:
  • A herniated disc.
  • A narrowing of the spinal cord that exerts pressure on the lumbar spine called, also called "lumbar stenosis".
  • Progressive disease, known as degenerative disc disease.
  • Pregnancy
  • Back injuries that put excessive pressure on the sciatic nerve

Here are 6 effective stretches to relieve sciatic pain:

Relieve Your Sciatica

1 - The camel posture
  • Put yourself in a kneeling position with your feet and knees tight
  • Lean back and place the palms of your hands behind the bottom of your back
  • Gently push your hips up and forward
  • Grab your heels with both hands

2 - Wide stretching forward
  • Rounding your back, extend both arms forward, being careful not to squeeze your shoulders.
  • Relax your neck
Relieve Your Sciatica

3 - Posture of the frog

Position yourself on all fours
  • Then, spread your knees as far as you can
  • Gently press down with your hips, bringing your chest and head to the ground
Relieve Your Sciatica

4 - Wide stretching forward
  • Stand with your toes pointing forward.
  • Lean forward and put your fingers on the floor.
  • Advance your hands and begin to bend the knee while turning the opposite foot so that the toes are facing the ceiling.
  • Straighten and repeat the process with the other foot.

5 - Stretching butterfly

This is one of the most common stretches we learn from a young age.
  • Start by sitting on the floor with your knees apart
  • Straighten your back completely.
  • You can grab your feet and gently press your knees with your elbows for a deeper stretch, or simply press your knees with the palms of your hands.

Relieve Your Sciatica

6 - stretching of the buttocks lying down
  • Lie on your back
  • Bend the right leg by bringing the knee to the chest and pulling the foot to the left hip
  • The left leg should stay tense