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Anxiety Is Not A Choice (So Please Stop Telling Us To Relax)

Anxiety Is Not A Choice (So Please Stop Telling Us To Relax)

Anxiety is broadly a state of great concern that many people have or have suffered from. Generating stress, or sometimes even panic attacks or anxiety, it can manifest itself in different ways.

Biologically, anxious state is a natural mechanism whose function is to protect us from dangerous situations. In normal doses, anxiety protects the human being, conversely, in excessive doses, it imprisons or rather poisons the lives of those who undergo it. Moreover, WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that depressive disorders are the first criterion of morbidity and disability worldwide.

What is anxiety and anxiety disorders?
When we speak of anxiety, a psychological state characterized by emotional, cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions, we immediately think of a state that can necessarily be temporary .... However, it can very well be quite different, and this condition can in some cases become almost permanent.

Indeed, anxiety can be so important and influential that it can constantly generate concern often in an immoderate manner while affecting the ability to function properly or normally, whether professionally or personally and that is where it can be considered as a real disorder.

Basic anxiety, is a natural biological mechanism that is emerging to help the body evaluate situations as dangerous and react more quickly and therefore increase the chances of survival.

On the other hand, when we look at "anxiety disorders", for their part, they are more like an illness as such if it is considered disabling and if it is persistent. Anxiety is thus expressed when it induces suffering leading to a demand for care, causes panic attacks or when it associates with psychotic neurotic states, or hypochondriacs or even when it ends up worsening by a depressive state which can generate states of dependence, be they emotional, pharmacological or addictive.

All of this can even lead to anxiety neurosis which is a chronic anxiety condition characterized by tremors, tension, febrility, breathlessness or choking sensations, or even palpitations or tachycardia.

Anxiety is therefore a natural manifestation, but it can reach and lead to extremely serious consequences psychologically and physically.

When this condition affects family members or loved ones, how do you respond? How to show empathy by understanding its mechanisms while adapting its behavior to the person who suffers them?

How to recognize and manage anxiety disorders of others?
It may sound like an almost "natural" manifestation, but those who have been fortunate enough never to have had anxiety disorders or even depression may not understand what it means to be in such an environment. situation of psychological distress.

The close ones especially, out of fear or ignorance of the subject prefer rather to opt for the reproaches than the real support while maintaining that the person in question already in suffering is not strong enough or determined to get out of it.

But in reality and unfortunately, no one chooses to be depressed or anxious, and no one can put an end to such suffering as if by magic on a single question of will and decide to live in peace and serenity, provisions which already, would be highly appreciated among those who live anxiety or even depression.

Moreover, people who suffer from anxiety or depression are not so easy to spot as people think. Many victims of anxiety and depression often wear a sometimes unconscious mask of confidence and apparent happiness.

They apply precisely to this exercise to camouflage a state already very difficult to live and feel the constant apprehension to reveal to their loved ones by what evil they are consumed. Fear of causing additional worry and weight that may be difficult for those around them to handle. Entourage who often is not in their place and can judge the situation in a way that is not adequate and diametrically opposed to reality ... And the relationship with it can be strongly felt.

It can therefore be difficult as members of the entourage to detect or even elucidate anxiety disorders. But often these affect the everyday life and basic behavior of the subjects who are the victims and any close can gradually shed light on their true state.

At this stage, it is important or even essential to provide appropriate support without being contaminated. Dialogue, emotional presence and referral to health professionals such as a psychotherapist to identify the basic problem and treat it is one of the first steps towards healing.