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This New Blanket Uses Gravity To Help You Relax And Fall Asleep

This New Blanket Uses Gravity To Help You Relax And Fall Asleep

It is safe to say that today, almost everyone is tired. Whatever the reason why you feel tired and feel the need to relax and sleep without doing too much, here is an innovation that could help you. This is a blanket that uses the power of weight to fight anxiety.

The Gravity cover
Gravity blanket is specifically designed to help users relax and sleep. Its particularity is to weigh heavy. A weight that would have therapeutic virtues thanks to the deep tactile stimulation that it would allow.

The feeling of weight that one feels when covering oneself with this blanket that puts pressure on our body, has the effect of promoting the relaxation of our nervous system. What feels feels like being held in someone's arms. Now this sensation increases in us the serotonin and melatonin levels, two hormones that help us sleep. The level of cortisol, called the stress hormone, is decreased and that's how you feel more relaxed.

Although their introduction to the market is recent, such covers are not new, as they have been used for years in the medical world to relieve stress of patients.

Some foods to avoid to reduce anxiety and promote a good sleep
If such coverage can help us relax and get to sleep, avoiding eating certain foods, whether generally or in the evening only, could just as well have a beneficial effect on our sleep.

Here is a list of foods to avoid to help you fall asleep.

It is well known, coffee is an exciting. He wakes us up in the morning, boosts us and removes the feeling of tiredness. If coffee does not give us energy, it hides the desire to sleep.

Eating less coffee during the day and avoiding it in the evening can help you sleep better by reconnecting with the signals your body sends you. Your cortisol level drops, and that slack you avoid with your cup of coffee during the day appears at the right time, that is to say when it is time to sleep.

The alcohol
Although you can sleep drunk, alcohol is not the best solution for a good sleep. Indeed, it has stimulating properties that increase the heart rate and can worsen anxiety.

Although it is very easy to use sugar to soothe our feelings, eating cakes or sweets at different times of the day causes peaks and sudden drops in blood glucose levels in the body. And the consequences of such fluctuations are very bad for the mood, because they cause an increase in the levels of cortisol and adrenaline, two hormones well known to cause panic attacks.

Trans fat
Trans fat, also known as hydrogenated fats, is not only one of the worst health foods, it also has a disastrous effect on mood.

Present in crisps and fried foods, consuming them increases the symptoms associated with anxiety, in addition to the risk of suffering from depression.