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People Who Eat Cheese Could Live Longer According To A Study

People Who Eat Cheese Could Live Longer According To A Study

Cheese is an ingredient of choice in the culinary culture of more than one country around the world. It is also a food that is appreciated by many people and what is more, has its share of benefits for our organization despite all that is said rightly or wrongly in some media and including a number of publications published on social networks. A new study validates the benefits of cheese on our and published by our colleagues at Women's Health Australia.

So, instead of taking into account all the rumors and preferences or the dietary guidelines of everyone, let's stay with the scientific facts so that we can make a positive judgment about what we eat on a daily basis and make the most of it for our welfare.

We are certainly many to adore the cheese, which not only can be consumed in many ways but exists in a multitude of genres with many flavors and textures. But in case you do not know, do you say that cheese can also save your life!

Prejudices about cheese that should be reconsidered
According to a study by the European Society of Cardiology (SEC), the current guidelines on the consumption of dairy products to increase longevity should be "reviewed". This report was issued by a team of researchers based in the German city of Munich, questioning the supposed link between dairy consumption and increased risk of death related to coronary heart disease, cancer and other diseases. cerebrovascular all resulting in an excessive accumulation of saturated fats.

However, each of the purported evidence presented on the adverse effects of dairy products on adults was sorely lacking in consistency. Except for milk that really increases the risk of coronary heart disease.

These foods even have great benefits to the body
Dairy products such as cheese have proved particularly effective in combating both mortality from cerebrovascular diseases and mortality in general. This is indicated by the study presented on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at the SEC Convention. As a result, the guidelines put in place to reduce the consumption of dairy products, particularly yoghurt and cheese, should be much more flexible. Drinking fat-free milk is still recommended, especially for people who consume it in fairly large quantities.

Facing this year's SEC congress, Prof. Maciej Banach, from the Department of Hypertension at the University of Medicine in Lodz, Poland, said: "A meta-analysis of 29 studies published in the year 2017 n revealed no relationship between consuming dairy products and having cardiovascular problems. The same goes for all other causes of death.

However, a prospective large-scale study was conducted over 20 years for adult individuals in Sweden. This research was the same, made public in 2017 and was able to demonstrate that a significant consumption of milk was closely linked to a risk of mortality more significant, including cardiovascular problems among women. "

On the other hand, Professor Banach, who discussed with colleagues the data from a 1999-2010 national health and nutrition study, explained:

"In the light of discoveries made about the protective effects of dairy products. Public health officials should review the existing guidelines for the consumption of dairy products. And because milk has been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease, it is recommended that you drink low-fat or no-fat milk. "