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People Judge You On The Basis Of Two Things At The First Dating According To Harvard Psychologists

People Judge You On The Basis Of Two Things At The First Dating According To Harvard Psychologists

We think and we often say that the first impression is the right one. Indeed, the human being is thus made, whoever is normally constituted, inevitably carries a quasi-instinctive judgment on others. But then on which parameters, on which factors do we erect our judgment and our impressions?

When we date someone for the first time, we inevitably almost instantaneously make one or more impressions about it. Moreover, the human being has unconsciously or not, the ability to identify by relying on the notions of respect or trust, the people he will have to date throughout his life.

Judging a book by its cover is not an exercise of the most objective we say. But indeed, It is not enough for anybody but a few seconds to form an opinion, good or bad on others, naturally. First impressions are influential features in how we behave in the face of others.

Study reveals what criteria humans judge others
A closely researched study led by Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy and two other researchers and psychologists, Susan Fiske and Peter Glick, examined the first schematic impressions of a first encounter in nearly 15 years. taking note of the information and dimensions used and how they are incorporated in the form of a judgment.

Indeed, and incontestably, their conclusion is based on a preconceived representation; the impressions we have on others are based on two criteria based on a purely moral aspect: Respect and trust, which refer to the notion of respect by competence and that of trust through heat. And it seems that heat or reliability is the most important factor when evaluating the other person or the others.

Amy Cuddy, co-author of the study, says that from an evolutionary point of view, it is crucial for our survival to know if the person in front of us deserves our trust and adds that the majority of people think that competence is the most important criterion of judgment, especially in a professional context if one takes into account the fact that anyone who absolutely wants to be authentic because he is intelligent and talented enough to carry out the missions that may be entrusted to him.

Clearly, the "trust" and "respect" factors are used when people want to determine whether the other is a friend or an enemy by looking at the two aforementioned aspects of apparentness that suggest that the intentions of others are good , and his skills as well.

Rather, be objective?
Of course, it may happen that our perception of others may be wrong. Errors in our reading of others are highly predictable, because perception is governed by rules and prejudices that we can distinguish and anticipate. It is therefore possible on one side or the other, to make sure to give a good impression more often, and to rectify any lack of perception that the others have, and on the other hand to be very objective when it is a first dating between two people.

During the first phase (the dating), we evaluate quickly and without thinking consciously and unconsciously, relying on our preconceptions, stereotypes or other a priori or presumptions, using parameters such as appearance physical, socio-professional status or body language.

In the second phase, one who puts himself in a "judgmental" position, must pay much more attention, gather more data in order to interpret them in an enlightened way.

Even if it is not part of the natural reflex of the human being, whoever would agree to say, the objectivity that is characterized by the ability to dissociate itself from the material or psychological objectives of a situation, so as not to to let our sensitivity influence our judgment, should override our subjective perception of others or circumstances.

Objectivity seems to be an influential and reliable instrument to define our vision of others and our objectives, to take responsibility for our choices and to consent to evolve more calmly in our personal or socio-professional context, even if this state of affairs runs up against the very foundations of our personality.
People Judge You On The Basis Of Two Things At The First Meeting According To Harvard Psychologists