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Sleeping Next To A Person Who Snores Can Destroy Your Health According To A Study

Sleeping Next To A Person Who Snores Can Destroy Your Health According To A Study

Even if the sound of snoring is very unpleasant, and sometimes even unbearable, we are forced to bear because we love the person who sleeps with us. But what many people probably do not know is that sleeping near a person who snores can have very bad health effects, that's what this recent study reveals.

Do you like to sleep next to your spouse, but the repetitive noise of his snoring irritates you, and prevents you from relaxing? You can talk to him, but to no avail? You must find a solution as soon as possible because your health is in danger. Check out this recent study that says sleeping next to someone who snores can damage your health.

Your partner's snoring could damage your health.
A recent study by a team of researchers from the Epidemiology and Public Health Department at London's Imperial College in London found that exposure to noise during sleep could cause health problems. Indeed, this study, which was conducted on a sample of 140 people from different age groups, and who live near 4 European airports, has shown that the noise emitted by aircraft could contribute to raising blood pressure. , and cause certain cardiovascular dysfunctions. But what connection with the snoring of my partner, you say? The answer is simple: According to the authors of the study, the harmful effects caused by the exposure to noise during sleep do not depend on its source, but on its intensity and its volume, that means that even the fact of sleeping next to a person who snores can damage your health because the noise it emits is as intense as that of aircraft.

The results of the first study are confirmed by another scientific research conducted by a team of professors from the University of Mainz in Germany, which states that exposure to different noises, especially during the night, can cause stress , anxiety, as well as a wide range of cardiovascular diseases.

Remember that a disruption of blood pressure can cause several cardiovascular diseases, damage your kidneys and your nervous system, and even increase the risk of heart attack. It is also obvious that noise exposure is not a leading cause of high blood pressure, and other factors such as poor food hygiene, sedentary lifestyle, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are more likely to provoke it. But why suffer the damaging effects of your partner's snoring when you can easily fix it by trying some simple and effective tips?

How to fight against snoring?

You may be one of those people who snore before they even close their eyes, or you have a partner who is torturing you all night long with the deafening sound of his snoring. Follow the tips below to get rid of this problem, and finally enjoy the restful and peaceful sleep you have been longing for.

- Most people who snore suffer from certain respiratory or cardiac diseases. So, before starting anything to combat snoring, it is important to consult a specialist to establish a complete medical examination of your condition, and identify the possible causes of your problem.

- Obesity is one of the main causes of snoring, so adopt a healthy and balanced diet, and practice a sports activity on a regular basis.

- Ban cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. These can cause a variety of heart and respiratory diseases that can make you snore while you sleep.

- Drink enough water (1.5 to 2 liters per day), this will allow you to keep your bronchi and throat well hydrated, and therefore fight against your excessive snoring.

- Regularly clean your room, and make sure it is constantly ventilated to improve your breathing, and sleep better.

- Fight your stress by doing relaxing activities like yoga or meditation.

- Improve your breathing by performing daily breathing exercises. In addition to helping you fight against snoring, they can improve your well-being while preventing the appearance of a lot of diseases.

- If you can not get rid of your snoring problem, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor in order to benefit from a treatment adapted to your case.
fight against snoring