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Here Are The First Steps To Take When A Baby Chokes, A Minute To Learn But Can Save A Life

Here Are The First Steps To Take When A Baby Chokes, A Minute To Learn But Can Save A Life

Baby Chokes,
Nobody is safe from swallowing something wrong, and babies and children are not spared from this risk, especially since they tend to carry all kinds of objects to their mouths, with which they could choke. The risk is therefore present and a death is quickly arrived if we can not react in time. Do not miss the opportunity to learn how to save a choking child by reading the following.

Babies and young children are at a higher risk of choking than we adults. First, because they do not have teeth yet to chew the food, and because their food swallowing system is not yet fully developed, they swallow quickly, and a food too big can easily get stuck in his throat. And secondly, because a baby likes to carry all the things that come to hand to his mouth, or even try to swallow them. They can also, by their shape and size, get stuck in their throat and prevent them from breathing.

This is a first aid technique that could, if you use it, save the life of a choking child or baby.

The Heimlich method to expel a foreign body from a baby's throat

As soon as your child coughs unusually, it may be a sign that he is choking on an object or food stuck in his throat.

1- If your baby coughs to clear his airways, leave him as long as he can. If on the other hand he can not even do it anymore, intervene as follows.

2- Place the child along your forearm, head down and slightly lower than the body. Hold your chest, neck and head with your hand.

Baby Chokes,

3- Then, with your other hand flat and with your palm down, kick the back of the baby's ribcage five times or less.

Baby Chokes,

If the child has not yet spit out what was obstructing his breathing, turn him gently on his back by placing him on the floor or holding him on your forearm again, with his shoulders and head still in your hand . With your index finger and middle finger together, apply enough pressure and five times in a row on the baby's sternum, in the middle of his chest.

Alternate these two maneuvers until the child's airway is clear. Then remove the object or piece of food from its mouth.

Reduce the risk of choking the baby
Because prevention is better than cure, here are the precautions to take to reduce the risk of your baby choking.

∙ Avoid foods at risk
Knowing that a child does not have full chewing and swallowing abilities before the age of four or five, it is the parents' responsibility to pay particular attention to the foods they provide and to avoid a maximum those who are difficult to chew for him and who are most likely to find themselves stuck in his throat or airways and cause choking. Among these foods, we find:

- small foods: dried fruits, almonds and nuts ...
- food in small pieces: sausage, meat, cheese ...
- Sticky foods: sweets, chewing gum ...
- hard foods: raw vegetables, meat too firm ...

Avoid giving such foods to children under four years old. It is best to cut them into smaller pieces and grate the raw vegetables. Remove the fruit stones before serving as well as the small bones and bones of the fish.

∙ Stay alert in all circumstances
On the other hand, be vigilant during meals as well as outside of them if they are eating. Be careful not to leave small objects that can be swallowed.