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8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

Without a doubt, belly fat is the one that looks aesthetically the most unpleasant. But it can also affect long-term health if it is not controlled at the right time. As a result, diet and exercise go hand in hand, in this article you will discover a series of 8 exercises to have a flat stomach in just 30 days.

It's time to change your daily routine. Lie down comfortably on your carpet and get to work for a guaranteed result. Every day you will need only 10 minutes of your time to perform these exercises!

The crunch: 15 times

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

  • Lie on your back on a comfortable rug.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Lift your shoulders by putting your hands behind your head and contracting your abdominal muscles and do 15 repetitions and then take a break.

The lifted legs crunch: 10 times

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

The raised leg crunch is a very effective abdominal exercise, working both the upper and lower abdominals.

  • Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms pointing up.
  • Lift your feet off the ground at a 45-degree angle by contracting your abdominal muscles and doing 10 repetitions.
  • Then lie back slowly keeping your arms and legs tight.
Exercise of the board, arms on the floor: 15 times

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

8 Effective Exercises That Give You A Flat Stomach In 30 Days

This exercise is not only about your abs, but also your arms, your glutes, your shoulders and your legs.

  • Position yourself in the position of the board by resting on your forearms.
  • Then, bend your left knee forward toward your waist, bend it and hold it for a few seconds.
  • Pull your leg back and repeat again with the right.

Roll-ups: 10 times

Roll-ups strengthen the abdominals, while increasing the flexibility of the spine.

  • Lie on your back, arms and legs stretched out.
  • Raise your arms and move forward and use your abs to slowly get into a sitting position.
  • Tense your abdominals again and slowly descend to the starting position.

Exercise of the board, raised hips: 20 times

This exercise is ideal for beginners trying to strengthen the abdominals.

  • Start with your elbows on the floor, while resting on your forearms. Keep your arms at a 90-degree angle.
  • Lift your buttocks, contracting your abs to reduce the distance between your rib cage and your hips.
  • Go back to the starting position.

The Navasana boat posture: 1 time

This posture strengthens the abdominal muscles, the legs and the lower back.

  • Sit with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Bend slightly and lift your feet off the ground.
  • Extend your arms straight in front of you.
  • Keep your knees stretched for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Windshield: 10 times

This exercise is great for strengthening your entire body and should be done towards the end.

Lie on your back with your knees extended and your legs straight.
Your arms should be T-shaped in relation to the rest of the body.
Lower your legs glued slowly to one side.
Repeat with the opposite side.

Mountaineers: 15 times

An advanced high intensity exercise that speeds up the heart rate.

  • Put yourself in a plank position, on your hands and toes.
  • Place your hands roughly shoulder width apart.
  • Then pull your right knee against your chest as far as possible.
  • Rock and do the same thing with your other knee, remembering to keep your hips low.

These exercises are ideal for home training. You do not need any special equipment to perform them, you just have your own body and your own will.

Feel free to share with us in the comments which exercise is your favorite! Good workout ...