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What Happens In Your Body When You Eat The "Clean" Part Of A Moldy Bread

What Happens In Your Body When You Eat The "Clean" Part Of A Moldy Bread

Bread is a staple in many societies around the world. It is a food that can be present in all meals of the day. That's why it can be extremely frustrating not to find bread at home, and to find that the only remaining bread has developed mold stains. Despite this, many people cut the moldy part and eat the rest, but is it good for your health?

Many people are often used to eating the clean part of a moldy bread, to avoid waste or simply because there is no way to get bread. However, the information we will present in this article will totally change your opinion on this practice.

What is the danger of mold mildew?
Mold on your bread can be very dangerous to your health than you can think. Not only does your sandwich taste different, but eating even the clean part of a mold-damaged bread can make you sick in an instant.

While you may believe that mold is confined to an area of your bread, the reality is that the deep roots of hyphae, which are branched filaments that make up the network of fungi can infect the entire piece of bread.

Like the roots of trees, mold can grow below the surface, invisible to the naked eye, covering a slice of bread and rendering it inedible.

More importantly, mold spores can easily spread to other pieces of bread that you left in the same place. Before you know it, you have no choice but to throw everything away.

Now, while it's true that some molds are good, like the Penicillium mushroom found in cheese, penicillin, and other organic and dietary materials, other species can cause infections in the body that can prove extremely dangerous because of the mycotoxins they can produce.

Prevention is usually better than cure as moldy bread can be affected by many types of mold. If we take the variety of mold Rhizpus stolonifer, for example, it can cause a lot of endless problems in your body.

The mushroom Rhizpus stolonifer
Rhizpus stolonifer is a filiform mold and a species of mushroom that feeds on sugar or starch. It uses raw food materials, usually bread or fruit, such as grapes or strawberries, as a source of food for growth and reproduction. When mold spores are released, they produce more mycelium by germination. As the mold matures, it begins to darken.

Zygomycosis, and mucormycosis, are the main diseases that could be caused by this fungus in humans, especially in immunocompromised people. Although not yet fully understood, these diseases are very dangerous and can be fatal. Feeling moldy food by the fungus Rhizpus stolonifer may be a source of inhalation exposure.

What are the symptoms of mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is a respiratory or skin infection. Symptoms of a respiratory or sinus infection may include:
  • cough
  • fever
  • headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • sinus pain

In the case of a skin infection, mucormycosis can develop in any part of the body. It can develop on the site of a skin injury, but it can also spread quickly to another area. The symptoms are as follows:
  • blackened skin tissue
  • bulbs
  • fever
  • redness
  • swelling
  • pain
  • ulcers

The fungus R. stolonifer is an agent of plant disease, it breaks down organic matter. Kept in a damp environment, like a piece of bread, the parasite can spread quickly in a few days. Its spores are usually in the air. Spores grow faster at temperatures between 15 ° C and 30 ° C, where they can germinate to their full potential.

As a precaution, if you see mold on your bread, it is better to get rid of it to avoid any risk of infection. Feel free to share this important information with your friends.
What Happens In Your Body When You Eat The "Clean" Part Of A Moldy Bread