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Omeprazole Heartburn Medicine Can Kill You On The Fly

Omeprazole Heartburn Medicine Can Kill You On The Fly

Anyone with frequent digestive problems faces daily challenges and potential discomfort. Often, one seeks to calm these genes with the most judicious gold medications and to look for the cause in order to eradicate them. In this article, we will discover that this type of medication can have considerable side effects including an increased risk of heart attack. Explications!

Excessive acid production in the stomach causes a condition that is treated by a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). These drugs work by blocking a system in the cells of the stomach that produces the acid. When the proton pump is blocked, the stomach produces less acid and thus the symptoms decrease.

Triggers of digestive disorders
Excessive production of stomach acid can cause stomach upset, indigestion, abdominal pain, bloating or bowel problems. What are the causes?

Eating habits: Large meals can lead to excessive production of stomach acid. It is recommended to eat small meals and eat slowly to digest food.

Dairy products: You may think that drinking milk will soothe your stomach, especially before going to bed, think again because milk can have a rebound effect and promote gastric acid secretion, sometimes causing burns. stomach in the middle of the night.

Stress: Stress can lead to stomach problems and increase stomach acid production. If you find that stress is the cause of your stomach problems, find ways to manage it such as doing meditation or yoga instead of medications.

Smoking and alcohol: Cigarettes contribute to the production of acid by releasing the lower esophageal sphincter, which then allows the stomach acid to go up in the throat, causing acid reflux. Alcohol also causes an increase in gastric acid production by irritating the gastric mucosa.

Obesity: Excess weight in the abdomen increases the risk of acid reflux symptoms. Pregnancy also can cause temporary symptoms of gastric reflux, but the problem usually disappears shortly after delivery.

Some medications: Medications, including asthma medications, calcium channel blockers, antihistamines, analgesics, sedatives, and antidepressants may have the side effect of excessive stomach acid production.

The main treatment options for people with recurrent acid reflux are either PPIs or H2 blockers, both of which are drugs. But like any prescription medication, they are not suitable for all people with reflux and can cause side effects.

Side effects of IPP treatments.
The usual side effects of this class of medicine (PPI) can range from headache, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting or fever in children.

More serious side effects may occur after prolonged use of this type of medicine. Dr. John Cooke, one of the authors of a US study states that prolonged intake of proton pump inhibitors, beyond four to six weeks, could negatively impact the vascular function of the individual with a risk increased heart attack on the order of 16 to 21%.

The prevalence of cardiac risk among people who used drugs of the PPI class was observed based on the medical records of 2.9 million American patients.

Another study published in the scientific journal BMJ and relayed by our colleagues of Web® indicates an increased risk of death in patients using this drug for an extended period. Researchers advice to limit the time of taking this medication with the agreement of your doctor.

Some tips to prevent digestive disorders
  • Eat small meals four to five times a day.
  • Eat on time and avoid skipping meals.
  • Consume less irritating foods such as spicy, acidic, fried or fatty foods.
  • Avoid alcohol, excessive amounts of alcohol can weaken the protective lining of your stomach.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Better manage stress, indeed high stress increases the production of gastric juices in the stomach.
  • Exercise regularly.
Omeprazole Heartburn