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Experts Recommend To Ban Bleach From Your Home

Experts Recommend To Ban Bleach From Your Home

Present in nearly seven households from ten and used for generations for its whitening, deodorizing and disinfecting properties, bleach is a chemical that is dangerous for health. Here are the dangers of bleach and why you should stop using it right now.

The dangers of bleach

A product that causes burns and irritations that must be avoided
Bleach is a corrosive product and is therefore most toxic. Contact with it burns the skin and its irritating vapors cause headaches, nausea and damage to our eyes and respiratory tract.

Bleach is not only aggressive in itself, but it can be more aggressive when mixed with other cleaning products. In combination with products such as vinegar or ammonia, chemical reactions occur and release highly irritating and toxic gases such as chloramine and chlorine.

An increased risk of developing lung diseases
A study conducted by researchers at Harvard University and the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) has highlighted the fact that the use of bleach and other disinfectants used for cleaning more than once a week increases the risk of developing certain chronic lung diseases by 32%.

Do we really need bleach?

It is not necessary to kill all microorganisms
Bacteria are essential to the balance of the ecosystem. By using disinfectants such as bleach, we kill bad bacteria as well as good ones, which is not without consequences for the environment, insects, animals, plants and for us.

According to a study published in the medical journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine, children living in a home where bleach is used regularly have a greater propensity to suffer from all kinds of ENT, respiratory or other infections such as flu or tonsillitis.

According to researcher Lidia Casas, "the high frequency of use of cleaning and disinfection products caused by the mistaken belief - reinforced by advertising - that our homes should not contain any microbes, produces the effects reported in our study. It is a public health problem. "

Bleach harms the environment
On the other hand, bleach contains chlorine, a substance harmful to the environment because when it combines with organic molecules, it turns into organochlorine compounds that are particularly toxic and dangerous for the environment. point that they are used by farmers as pesticides. Organochlorines are also present for a very long time in soils and plants and this is one of the reasons why these compounds are banned in many countries.

What alternative to bleach?
The harmful impact of bleach on our health and the environment is real and we have to face the facts: we do not really need it in our homes. There is no need to sanitize everything like in an operating room to keep yours healthy and clean.

In place of bleach, here is a natural product that you can make at home to clean your home without harming the environment or your health or that of your family members. The two main ingredients of this product are harmless: white vinegar and Marseille soap.

White vinegar
White vinegar is an ingredient of choice for all things household and cleanliness of your home. It has cleansing properties and disinfects surfaces without exaggeration.

Marseille soap
The real Marseille soap is made without synthetic chemicals. It is natural, biodegradable and can be used for personal hygiene as well as for washing clothes and cleaning.

Preparing your homemade natural cleanser
In a spray bottle, mix two tablespoons of white vinegar, four tablespoons of grated Marseille soap and 200 milliliters of hot water, then shake the bottle vigorously until the soap is completely dissolved. Spray the mixture where you want it and rub with a sponge before rinsing.
Experts Recommend To Ban Bleach From Your Home