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Listening To People Complaining Is Bad For Your Brain According To A Study

Listening To People Complaining Is Bad For Your Brain According To A Study

We will always hear people complaining every time we meet them. And their negativity overwhelms us by listening to them and trying to understand them. Certainly, they try to relieve themselves by trusting and releasing their emotions and it would be normal to empathize with them. But absorbing their negative energy can be bad for our brain and our health in general.

The science is formal and indicates that the fact of complaining can relieve emotionally, at the moment but can hurt the others who impregnate themselves of this negativity especially when it becomes chronic.

According to psychologist Steven Parton, author of The Science of Hapiness, Complaining is Literally Killing You, complaining can damage the brain and have serious consequences for mental health. Here's why :

Synapses that work together, come together
The brain is composed of synapses joined by an empty space called "synaptic cleft". When a thought is formed, a synapse creates a bridge towards another synapse through the emission of a chemical, an electrical signal is thus emitted carrying the essential information. As the electric charge goes off, the synapses move closer to reduce the distance between them and thus facilitate the emission of thought. For this reason, incessant negative thoughts will have a bad impact on the brain.

Thought determines the character
Constantly having negative thoughts is like hanging out with negative people who accompany you all the time. The best is to surround yourself with positive people to recharge your good waves.

Stress is bad for the body
According to Parton, it is not only essential to avoid negativity but also the complaint that increases negativity. Angry synapses lead to immune deficiency, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or obesity. Moreover, according to the researchers, listening to people who complain in a recurring way can drain the memory.

How to deal with people who exhaust you?

People who absorb your energy and psychologically exhaust you, also called energetic vampires, suffer from an emotional imbalance and manifest themselves by:
  • An intrusion into your life without limits
  • An amplification of things that can go as far as drama
  • Criticism of everything around them
  • Chronic complaints about everything without finding a way to satisfy
  • Recurrent disputes with conflict creation
  • Extreme negativity
  • A requirement to have the last word
  • A flight from responsibility
If you do not react to a person who complains continuously, you may feel constantly unhappy.

How to react to these people who exhaust us?

To deal with people who absorb our positive energy, it is important to follow the following steps:

1- Recognize an energetic vampire when you meet him
There are signs that should not be ignored and often found in these people who are all intriguing. Their penchant for drama, their stories of bad luck and their criticism of others and of life, must alarm you and make you aware that you are facing an energy drainer. You may experience muscle pain, sadness, irritability or negative thoughts.

2-Get away from these people as much as you can
If you spot such people, avoid being in their presence. But if you are dealing with close people, limit your interview in a polite and subtle way.

3-Avoid advising them
It's hard to help such chronically negative people who make no effort to get out of their bubble because the more you try to help them and the more they will create new problems to solve, putting you in an endless spiral. Stay in empathy and be polite while limiting your interventions and staying firm.

Your energy is precious so cultivate positive thinking because it would be a shame to waste it with people who absorb it and leave you emptied of all mental strength to face your daily life.
Listening To People Complaining Is Bad For Your Brain According To A Study