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Major Study Says Lowering Bacon And Alcohol Consumption Would Reduce Your Cancer Risk By Up To 40%

Major Study Says Lowering Bacon And Alcohol Consumption Would Reduce Your Cancer Risk By Up To 40%

Drinking alcohol and eating processed meat like bacon, are two dietary habits that have been associated with an increased risk of cancer according to scientists, how? In fact, a major study by the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF) has shown that reducing alcohol and bacon consumption can help reduce the risk of cancer by 40%.

As part of a global plan to beat cancer, the Global Fund for Cancer Research has launched a list of health and lifestyle recommendations. The purpose of this plan is to reduce the risk factors of different types of cancer in the world. The organization looks back on two eating habits, alcohol, which has become a public health problem in some countries, and processed meat, which is becoming more and more important in our daily menus.

A healthy diet for a healthy body
WCRF's efforts continue to inform consumers about lifestyle habits that may be related to cancer. The organization provides many recommendations to people seeking to minimize their risk of contracting cancer. But two, in particular, are likely to cause a stir for many people, alcohol and bacon!

An analysis of about 51 million people worldwide, found a correlation between the diagnosis of adult cancer and obesity. Twelve cancers, including those affecting the liver, ovaries, prostate, stomach, mouth, throat, intestines, breast, gall bladder, kidneys, esophagus, pancreas and uterus, have have been associated with heavy consumption of fat resulting from alcoholic beverages and carcinogens such as processed meats.

WCRF recommends significantly reducing or completely banning processed meats, including bacon, salami, hot dogs and some sausages, as these products have been associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer. According to WCRF, unprocessed red meats, such as beef, pork and lamb, may also be associated with a higher risk of cancer, but the evidence is weaker.

Alcohol has also been scrutinized by the organization because there is strong evidence that alcohol consumption is a cause of many cancers, according to the report. Alcohol has been associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, breast, stomach and colon, although some evidence has shown that it may actually help protect against kidney cancer. Some research also suggests that moderate drinking (usually defined as one drink per day for women or two per day for men) can lengthen your life and improve your heart health. Nevertheless, the WCRF maintains that for the prevention of cancer, it is better not to drink alcohol.

The experts' recommendations
Do not consume more than 500 g (cooked weight) of red meat a week, such as beef and lamb. Eat very little processed meat, like ham and bacon, at best avoid it. Indeed, the evidence suggests that eating 500 g or less of red meat a week does not significantly increase the risk of bowel cancer. Red meat is also a good source of valuable nutrients, such as protein, iron, zinc and vitamin B 12, and can therefore contribute to a healthy and balanced diet. Processed meat, on the other hand, contains less valuable nutrients and can contain a lot of fat and salt. Therefore, if you eat red meat, it is better to choose fresh and unprocessed meat.

The report also recommends that people maintain a healthy weight, stay physically active, eat lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and limit the consumption of processed foods, fast food and sugary drinks.
Lowering Bacon And Alcohol Consumption Would Reduce Your Cancer Risk By Up To 40%