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Have You Already Cleaned Your Liver? 9 Signs That Show That It Is Full Of Toxins

Have You Already Cleaned Your Liver? 9 Signs That Show That It Is Full Of Toxins

Cleaned Your Liver

Our liver, which is the size of a football, is the largest internal organ of the body. Its role is to participate in the metabolic process of decomposition of proteins and fats in order to store them and subsequently convert them into the energy we need on a daily basis. Also, this organ helps to filter the toxic substances that the body absorbs from its external environment and thus ensures that these toxins are eliminated effectively.

More than any other organ, the liver, a faithful and valiant friend, helps us to take advantage of all the foods we eat. However, because of a poor lifestyle, it can sometimes be "saturated" and is unable to actively perform its duties. Thus, if you have any of these 9 symptoms, we recommend you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

9 signs that show that your liver is full of toxins

If you feel pain or pressure in the upper abdomen
If your diet is high in fat, it can cause an increase in the size of your liver. Thus, you will feel pressure on the chest and upper abdomen. This may be a sign of hepatomegaly, so it is urgent to seek immediate medical attention.

If you constantly feel nauseated
Having nausea can be a warning sign that there is something wrong with your liver. Be careful when eating foods that are too fat, abdominal heaviness, dizziness, nausea, and sometimes even vomiting or diarrhea. This may be a sign that your liver is overloaded with toxins.

If you have skin problems or yellowing eyes
When liver function is impaired, this may be visible on your external appearance. Irritations, skin problems, or even yellowing white eyes are signs of liver problems.

If you feel weak and tired
If you have good nights sleep, and still feel tired the next day, this may be a sign that your liver is spending too much energy to get rid of the toxins. If this fatigue is permanent, consider consulting a doctor.

If you have fever
If you have abdominal pain and are extremely tired, check your body temperature. If it increases, it may be a sign of infection or inflammation.

If you feel muscle pain
If you have regular muscle pain for no apparent reason, or if your breasts or legs are swollen, it may be a sign that the toxins in your body are affecting your muscles and joints.

If you notice a change in the color of your urine or stool
When your liver no longer performs its functions properly, your urine becomes darker and your stools lighter. So be very careful about this kind of symptoms.

If you have itching
When your liver can not neutralize the toxins and the bile accumulates, your body reacts and your skin can itch.

If you have bleeding
This is a rare but not insignificant symptom. If you suffer from frequent nosebleeds, or if you have bruises that appear for no reason, this may be due to a problem of blood clotting caused by a malfunction of the liver.

What should you avoid doing to keep your liver healthy?

To avoid toxin overload and to keep your liver functioning, you should avoid:
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Foods that are too fat
  • The lack of physical activity
  • Consumption of supplements favoring weight loss
  • Frequent use of analgesic and other drugs

And what foods should be favored to care for them?

For a healthy liver, it is necessary to forget some bad habits, but especially to take new, healthier, and more beneficial for your body. Here are some good foods for your liver:
  • Honey
  • Turmeric
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits: Apple, banana, peach, pear, apricot
  • Vegetables: Pumpkin, beetroot, carrot, cauliflower, zucchini

In addition, it is obviously essential to drink water regularly and in sufficient quantities.