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The Good And The Bad Things That Await You In 2019, According To Your Astrological Sign

The Good And The Bad Things That Await You In 2019, According To Your Astrological Sign

We are all approaching the new year 2019 with great enthusiasm, and we have many expectations and goals. However, according to astrology, each sign of the zodiac will live its year 2019 in a particular way and will have to expect certain things.

You feel a lot of uncertainty about your future or the way forward. You ask yourself many questions that remain unanswered. You will not always have the right answers, because sometimes you have to kiss the unknown and go for it. You have an idea or plan that you want to apply for a long time and it's the perfect time to put it in place.

For you Taurus, 2019 will be your year to broaden your horizons personally, spiritually and mentally. You can even discover a new hobby or new talent you never knew existed. Take all opportunities that may come your way. You never know what doors can open you and where can they lead you.

At the beginning of the year, the sign of Gemini will be extremely talkative and eager to express his creativity. January will be a good time to improve his spiritual awareness, and get in touch with his inner self to learn more about what he really wants. For Gemini, 2019 is a year filled with spirituality and passion.

For Cancer, 2019 will be flamboyant at the romance level. Although you have unresolved issues related to your past relationship, it is time for you to confront these inner demons in order to escape. After that, you will be able to know a new love. A person with whom you are going to want to settle. Gently walk Cancer, but keep your heart wide open.

2018 was not your best year, the Lion. You wanted to accomplish much more than you actually achieved. It can be upsetting and depressing you. However, the year 2019 will be very different. You will set yourself even higher goals, but you will succeed in reaching them hands down because you are not lazy by nature.

While everyone has drawn up their list of New Year's resolutions, as a sign of the Virgin, you are doing the opposite. You feel like a child during this time, and you want to play and go on an adventure. You are ready to set goals, but why not have fun from time to time? For the moment, you prefer to live simply in the present moment. 2019 will be devoted to spontaneity and adventure.

For you, Libra, you probably spent the year 2018 desperately searching for love, and maybe you did not find it. You have just sought love in the wrong places. However, for you, 2019 will bring an abundance of love. You may meet someone who will play a major role in your life. But try not to rush things.

As a Scorpion, the year 2018 was hectic and chaotic for you. You want to take a break, but it's not yet the moment. January will be as hectic as last year. So get ready for what's coming. After the end of the month, you will find a little clarity, calm and you will leave the eye of the cyclone.

For the sign of Sagittarius, 2018 has been devoted to a lot of personal reflection. You have had time to examine your beliefs, your goals, your dreams, your values ​​and your personality. The new year will reveal a new you. You will feel a wave of new energy take over and you will want to correct your mistakes and be the best possible version of yourself.

As Capricorn, 2018 has been a year rich in experiences. The first month of the new year will be an opportunity for you to express yourself in a new way. You will want to change or improve your appearance. You know what you want from life, and you want to do what is necessary to make it happen. 2019 is your year to shine and January is just a small preview.

For you Aquarius, the month of January 2019 will be an opportunity to live simply. You will be attracted by the simplest things in life, such as nature. You will feel at peace once immersed in something peaceful. You have worked tirelessly, you continue to do so and 2019 will be very different. You will not lose your motivated state of mind, but you will finally leave room for things that make you happy.

As Pisces, the month of January will bring you new people and new adventures. You will meet a new group of friends in a totally unknown setting. This month will also be the perfect time to meditate and reflect on your life. You have a strong desire to get in touch with your inner and higher self. You will feel calm and focused.

2019 Astrological Sign