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People Addicted To Selfies Are Officially Considered Mentally Ill

People Addicted To Selfies Are Officially Considered Mentally Ill

"I take a selfie, so I exist". The flagship phenomenon of the millennial generation, the selfie is now an integral part of everyone's life. Often associated with narcissism, it consists of taking pictures of oneself in order to publish them on social media. In recent years, the selfie has become so entrenched in our lives that it has begun to worry about it. Millions of followers, likes and comments have become existential goals for some, which leads us to ask ourselves the following question: Why do we take so many selfies?

You should not look too far to identify this person who is addicted to selfies! Moreover, it seems that his phone has become an extension of his body and his hand. This obsession with selfies did not develop in a day. It comes from many personality disorders that are very often related to the way we see ourselves, and most importantly, the way we would like to be perceived by others.

The selfie, the Pandora's box of the millennial generation
If the millennials had their own Pandora's box, the selfie would be one of the evils that are locked up there. Besides, one of the evils placed by Zeus in this box was pride. Coincidence? We do not think so. Be that as it may, the selfie is linked to many personality disorders that would justify this compulsive need to be constantly in front of the goal. According to a study by The International Journal of Health and Mental Addiction, we now speak of "selfitis", a mental disorder associated with this obsessive compulsive desire to take a picture.

It should be known that before being identified as a mental illness, the selfie is primarily a consequence of personality disorders. This constant need to take photos before publishing on social media is based on a need for validation by others, as well as a desire to please and flatter one's ego.

The era of the selfie excessively
Proud people with narcissistic tendencies top the list when it comes to the number of selfies taken per day. Thousands of accounts on social media show these people with perfect plastic, who in appearance, seem to live a dream life. Only this behavior is often a way to compensate for a lack of self-confidence.

Selfish addicts look for a need for constant validation. Being admired through their photos helps them feel better, and allows them to flatter their ego in doubt. Whether it's a new haircut or an aesthetic operation, these people do not hesitate to post anything on the networks to validate their choices.

Selfie: defense mechanism against dysmorphic disorders
According to an article published by The Industrial Psychology Journal, people with dysmorphism are more likely to use the selfie as a defense and relief mechanism. Often, they are people obsessed with real or imaginary physical defects, and who try to get rid of their malaise through the likes and the acceptance of others.

These same people tend to behave compulsively, that is, they are able to spend hours trying to make the perfect selfie. The repercussions on their social life are numerous, including the constant need to look in a mirror or the addiction to the phone's camera, even in the presence of others, to reassure themselves about their appearance.

Selfie: a false standard of perfection
Today, there are more and more people who base their self-esteem on the number of likes they get for their selfies. Because of lack of self-confidence, the approval of others becomes essential to their well-being. Unfortunately, these standards of perfection are unrealistic and can destroy people's lives.

The problem with the selfies posted on the networks is that it is impossible to know all the people to whom we are dealing behind the screens. However, it is these same people who control our opinion of ourselves and the esteem we have. We give power to strangers to determine our level of self-confidence, without even knowing if these people do not suffer the same troubles.

According to a report published by The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, more than 250 deaths have been attributed to selfies between the year 2011 and the year 2017. This very disturbing figure sheds light on the dangers of this phenomenon which has took such a place in people's lives that some would be ready for anything to take the "perfect selfie".