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Regularly Drinking Sugary Drinks Or Tea Increases The Risk Of Kidney Disease

Regularly Drinking Sugary Drinks Or Tea Increases The Risk Of Kidney Disease

It is generally known that excessive sugar consumption can lead to long-term diabetes. However, what is not known to the general public, is that excessive consumption of sugary drinks such as soft drinks, fruit juices, and even tea, can increase the risk of kidney disease.

Sugary drinks and kidney disease
A recent study by Johns Hopkins University found that sugary drinks, juices, beer and even tea can increase the risk of kidney disease.

The researchers say that people who drink these drinks regularly are at 61% higher risk of kidney disease. The results also showed that beer and even tea were also associated with a higher probability of kidney disease.

Scientists have explained that sugar in other drinks can cause weight gain, high blood pressure and insulin resistance over time. According to them, these health problems could then gradually put stress on the kidneys and accelerate the loss of the function of filtering the organ.

More than 7000 premature deaths are due each year to chronic kidney disease and in 50% of cases, chronic kidney diseases that lead to kidney failure are the consequence of diabetes or high blood pressure.

During the Johns Hopkins study, researchers examined survey data on drink consumption among 3,003 African-American men and women.

The results
The numbers showed that African Americans are more likely to have kidney disease than Caucasians.

The participants were on average 54 years old and did not have kidney failure. But after following the participants for eight years, 6% of these people, or 185 people, had developed kidney disease.

The research team led by Dr. Casey Rebholz compared sugary drinks, sodas and fruit juices to factors that may contribute to kidney damage such as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and lack of exercise. They also decided to examine each drink separately.

Taken alone, soda was associated with a 9% higher risk of kidney disease.

Researchers identified four drinking patterns, each of which included three drinks in the order of maximum consumption at minimal consumption. For example, one model included the most consumed citrus juices, other fruit juices consumed second, and the least consumed vegetable juices. Flavored water was associated with a higher risk. After analysis, the most common kidney disease configuration was soda, sweetened fruit juice and flavored water.

The team said in the report published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology that these results were surprising. She also added that there are a number of types of water that are advertised as healthy but are not sure of the health benefits.

Dr. Rebholz said that these results add to the evidence on the harmful effects of sugared beverages on health and recommendations to avoid their consumption.

According to Dr. Holly Kramer of Loyola University in Chicago, high blood sugar, regardless of its origin, can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance and high blood pressure. She also said that these factors then exert stress on the kidneys and can accelerate the loss of kidney function over time.

What is chronic kidney disease and how to detect it?
Chronic renal failure is the progressive loss of kidney function. The kidneys filter the blood from waste and excess fluid before they are excreted in the urine. They also help maintain good blood pressure.

As the disease progresses, the kidneys do not work properly and dangerous amounts of waste accumulate in the body. The risk of chronic kidney disease increases with age.

Chronic kidney disease usually causes no symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. It can be detected early by blood and urine tests.

Symptoms include:
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Sleep problems
  • Changes in the amount of urine
  • Decrease in concentration
  • Cramps and muscle contractions
  • Swelling of the feet and ankles
  • Persistent itching
  • Chest pain, if fluid accumulates around the wall of the heart
  • Shortness of breath, if fluid accumulates in the lungs
  • Hypertension difficult to control.
Drinking Sugary Drinks