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6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And How To Clean It

6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And How To Clean It

Our lifestyle is indisputably the first thing that impacts, positively or negatively, our health. Thus, our dietary habits are for many, so that our body can quite suffer from some harmful excesses in terms of food. And the liver is one of those organs that can suffer a lot.

It's not just alcohol that damages the liver
There is another condition that can affect the liver and damage it and is called "nonalcoholic steatohepatitis". It is a question of a disease more and more widespread and that one names quite commonly "the disease of the soda" or "the disease of the fatty liver. "

This occurs when the liver is inflamed as a result of a consequent accumulation of fat and waste. And the main reason behind this is an unbalanced diet and very rich in sugar. The liver then ends up with cellular lesions comparable to those that appear in the case of alcoholic hepatitis.

The first symptoms that occur in a person with this disease are fatigue, edema, haemorrhages in the digestive system and jaundice. There are also others that are even more obvious to notice and that tell you that your liver is overloaded with toxins:

Unjustified weight gain
When the body is in a situation of imbalance, many organs have dysfunctions. And since the liver is responsible for the filtering, sorting and evacuation of toxins, its overload makes it work poorly, therefore fat is held back by accumulated waste which promotes weight gain.

Permanent tiredness
Since the liver helps the body digest fat and absorb vitamins, it is a place where energy is stored. As a result, it suffices that it works poorly for all the body to suffer the consequences, and among these is chronic fatigue.

Allergy manifestation
The liver also has the role of managing the metabolism in collaboration with the immune system, in order to fight against the dangerous elements that can threaten the body. Except that in case of saturation, the liver no longer has the capacity to support the immune system in its fight against the pathogens causing allergies.

Skin problems
When the toxins are not well filtered, they remain in the body and more precisely in the liver, which can result in some skin problems such as acne. Since the liver is linked to the sebaceous glands, the latter produce an excess of sebum responsible for the appearance of acne. This means that a slow functioning of the liver can affect the activity of these glands.

Excessive perspiration
The liver can end up in a situation where it has to deal with considerable amounts of waste, it happens then that it is completely overworked. As a result, the body needs much more effort to get rid of all these toxins, which is manifested by higher than normal sweating.

Respiratory difficulties
From the moment the liver does not function as it should, it is quite possible that the respiratory system is affected. When the liver is overtaken by the accumulation of toxins, its volume may increase which sometimes causes respiratory failure.

Solutions to adopt
In order to get rid of this disease and detoxify your liver, there are habits that it is better to integrate:
  • Moderate your sugar consumption
  • Avoid soft drinks and alcohol
  • Have a more regular physical activity
  • Adopt a healthier and more balanced diet
  • Always keep a healthy weight
  • Avoid as much as possible analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Promote antioxidant foods in your diet such as milk thistle, artichoke, black radish and turmeric.

You can also detoxify your liver with this natural lemon-based remedy:

  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of organic olive oil

Method of preparation
Mix everything before taking each morning on an empty stomach. But before consuming your detoxifying drink, wait a few minutes before your first meal of the day. Over time, you will notice an improvement in your overall health because your liver will eliminate toxins. And the richness of antioxidants and draining properties of lemon and olive oil are important.

Note, however, that lemon is not recommended for people with an allergy to citrus fruit or who suffer from ulcers and heartburn or kidney or biliary diseases.
Liver Toxins