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Turmeric Is A Natural Medicine That Heals Digestive Problems, Fights Inflammation, Reduces The Risk Of Cancer And Much More

Turmeric Is A Natural Medicine That Heals Digestive Problems, Fights Inflammation, Reduces The Risk Of Cancer And Much More

Nature offers us many riches. Among these are turmeric, a spice with distinct taste and many health benefits. By the way, here are the 6 things that happen to your body when you consume it regularly.

Originally from India and Malaysia, turmeric, also called Haridra in Sanskrit, is a spice recognized by Ayurvedic medicine. And for good reason, it acts positively on the body thanks to its content of curcumin, a polyphenolic pigment (responsible for its yellow / orange color) with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, when it is consumed regularly, turmeric allows to:

Fight against inflammation
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory capacity, turmeric effectively fights against inflammatory reactions. Although useful in the front line for fighting a pathogen, inflammation can become acute and / or chronic and affect all of the body's functions. Indeed, an organ affected by inflammation will have more trouble working properly. Note that the installation of inflammation can cause inflammatory diseases such as type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease. Thus, turmeric plays an important role in the prevention and relief of these diseases.

Preventing heart problems
In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has antioxidant effects and acts as a cardiovascular protector. Indeed, its curcumin content allows it to reduce heart failure, cholesterol levels and heart rhythm disorders. Similarly, it prevents heart disease such as atherosclerosis, that is, the loss of elasticity of the arteries and protects against cardiovascular complications of diabetes.

Promote digestion and treat digestive problems
In case of digestive disorders, turmeric could be an alternative therapy according to many scientific studies including that of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of Toronto (Canada). This beneficial effect on the digestive system can be explained in particular by the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of turmeric. Thus, turmeric protects the digestive system of the various pathogens responsible for gastrointestinal diseases and it effectively relieves digestive pain, especially in case of inflammation of the intestine.

Relieving the symptoms of arthritis
Arthritis is generally illustrated by joint, ligament, tendinous, muscular and / or bone pains that affect the daily lives of patients. According to various scientific studies, turmeric could relieve pain, especially joint pain, and thus improve the living conditions of people with arthritis.

Prevent Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects and degrades cognitive functions following the progressive death of neurons. Also involved is the aggregation of beta-amyloid protein and the formation of amyloid plaques that disrupt communication and transmission between neurons. To combat this phenomenon, it seems that turmeric is effective, since curcumin would promote the elimination of these plaques and act positively on neurogenesis (set of phenomena allowing the formation of a neuron from a cell neural strain). The consumption of turmeric would therefore be a probative track for the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and for the improvement of cerebral health.

Decrease the risk of cancer
In view of the invasive effects of current cancer treatment, researchers have explored ways to treat and reduce the risk of cancer. They found that turmeric had an anti-cancer effect, given its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and ability to suppress initiation, progression and metastasis (or spread to other organs than the affected one) cells cancerous.

Turmeric is therefore a beneficial spice, to add to its diet. However, to maximize the benefits of turmeric and facilitate its absorption, it is advisable to consume it in combination with black pepper.

WARNINGS: Turmeric should be used with caution for people on anticoagulant / antiplatelet medications as it slows blood clotting. It should not be consumed by people who have stomach ulcers or pregnant women.

It also interacts with anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
Turmeric Is A Natural Medicine