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Cinnamon, Lemon And Honey Could Help You Lose 3 Pounds In A Week

Cinnamon, Lemon And Honey Could Help You Lose 3 Pounds In A Week

The fight against the extra pounds is a tough road for those who do not adopt the right methods. Soon, it can turn into a nightmare, discouraging the most motivated of us face inconclusive results. When it comes to losing weight, this honey, lemon and cinnamon drink will work wonders on your body!

Here's a recipe, which combined with physical activity and a healthy diet, will allow you to lose up to 3 pounds in just one week:

  • ½ organic lemon
  • 1 teaspoon Ceylon Cinnamon (powdered)
  • 1 tablespoon of organic honey
Instructions :
First, mix all the ingredients in a tall glass. Then add a cup of water that you heat beforehand. Mix everything, and enjoy your drink! Do not forget that it is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach.

The benefits of cinnamon on weight loss
Spice widely consumed throughout the world, cinnamon adds to our daily lives in a multitude of ways. Thanks to its delicate aroma and its therapeutic benefits, it does not fail to interfere in our kitchens and our remedies. According to The Metabolism Journal, cinnamon would be able to activate thermogenesis, thus contributing to the effectiveness of many treatments against obesity. Indeed, its cinnamaldehyde content would be an important ally for scientists to allow fat cells to burn more energy.

Forbes magazine is particularly interested in its benefits on weight loss, citing a study by researchers at the University of Michigan with very promising results. They would have taken a closer look at the effect of cinnamon and its components on human and animal fat cells. Their experience would have allowed them to conclude that cinnamaldehyde involved the production of proteins necessary for lipid metabolism and fat burning.

The action of honey on lipids
Although the components of honey vary according to the geographical area where it is produced, The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences confirms that its benefits are not affected. Indeed, its content of phytochemicals, phenolic acids, peptides and flavonoids is found in all organic honeys, and it is thanks to the combination of these different substances that this ingredient has powerful antioxidant virtues. As the scientists explain, honey will cause a drop in the density of LDL lipoproteins, also called "bad cholesterol" and responsible for some cardiovascular diseases.

In fact, many studies have looked at organic honey as a healthy alternative to artificial sugars. In some trials, this ingredient would have reduced the risk of metabolic syndrome, including factors such as obesity and dyslipidemia.

The detox action of lemon
When it comes to diet recipes or detox drinks, lemon is a fruit that never fails. In seasoning on our salads or pressed in juice, it has many virtues facilitating the weight loss. According to a study published by The Journal of Nutrition Research, the lemon has shown effective action on a group of Korean women overweight. As the scientists explain, the lemon would have made a significant change in weight, body mass and body fat content, as well as the waist-to-hip ratio of these women. In addition, an animal study on polyphenols found in lemon has shown similar effects. Indeed, scientists have observed a significant reduction in the accumulation of body fat, leading to a significant weight loss following the administration of lemon to rodents.


- Lemon is not recommended for people with kidney problems, stomach ulcers or biliary disorders.

- Cinnamon should not be abused as it may cause gastric irritation. It is also contraindicated in pregnant women.

If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek medical advice.
Cinnamon, Lemon And Honey