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Say Goodbye To Sweat With This Lemon Trick

Say Goodbye To Sweat With This Lemon Trick

Whether it's hot or cold, you can not escape perspiration. And although it is essential for the proper functioning of the body, it is nevertheless disabling, especially when a nauseating odor adds its share of inconvenience. Cosmetic offers us a myriad of deodorants able, certainly, to avoid perspiration as well as bad odors, but they remain dangerous for the health because they obstruct the sweat ducts.

First of all, people who suffer from excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, experience social discomfort and this sweating can have an impact on their quality of life. So much so that some people can very badly live it and lose confidence in them can even devalue and avoid any social interaction for fear of being wrongly judged by others.

But today, most people who suffer from hyperhidrosis, to protect themselves from chemicals harmful to health, are starting to turn more and more to natural alternatives because antiperspirants sold in the trade, act as antiperspirants, responsible for the development of serious diseases such as cancer.

First, what are the factors that promote body odor?

Several causes are at the origin of perspiration:

The stress that releases cortisol, a hormone that will deliver sweat. And associated with bacteria that are under the arms, this sweat triggers a body odor.

Some medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or anti-depressants may increase the amount of sweat and armpit odor.

Foods containing sulfur can also contribute to the appearance of body odor.
Refined sugar can also contribute because the sugar can feed the bacteria and promote a bad smell.

In what way are the ingredients that make up the deodorant dangerous?

The chemicals that a deodorant contains, penetrate the skin and end up in the blood. Among these harmful products, we have:

Aluminum, which is a metal used in deodorants to block the sweat glands and reduce sweating. And according to a study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, this chemical could have negative repercussions on breast epithelial cells, which may be associated with the appearance of cancer and a proliferation of metastases.

Some phthalates, which are considered toxic to both men and women, behave like endocrine disruptors, according to a study.

What are the alternatives to deodorant?

Deodorants can be removed by removing antiperspirants from your daily routine and incorporating lemon or lime, also known as "lime", into your morning toilet.

Lemon whether it is yellow or green has gained a great notoriety in the field of natural beauty. It is used in facials, to lighten the skin or to fight against acne.

Why is lemon effective against sweating?

The citric acid that lemon and limes contain, helps regulate the pH of the skin and kill bacteria, sources of bad odor under the arms. It thus makes it possible to disinfect the skin.

By cutting yellow or green lemon slices, simply rub them under the armpits daily. Wait a few minutes before getting dressed, time to let the lemon dry so as not to stain your clothes.

Used every day, you can say goodbye to deodorants and bad smells.

Lemon and limes contain a chemical called psoralen that makes the skin photosensitive. It's a good idea not to expose your armpits to the sun so you do not have redness or burn your skin.

Just as it is advisable not to put lemon on recently shaved armpits, it could sting you and burn you.