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We Should All Know These 5 Things About Our Blood Type

We Should All Know These 5 Things About Our Blood Type

In a universal way, human beings belong to four types of blood Type. Yet many of us ignore the many features that flow from it. Indeed, everyone's blood affiliation speaks volumes about their diet, their personality, and their compatibility with others. Here are 5 things to know depending on your blood type.

The blood Type speaks volumes about the health profile of an individual, which can play a determining role in the choices we make daily in our lifestyle. Here are the characteristics that accompany each Type:

Beneficial foods for your blood type
In a book published by naturopathic physicist Peter D'Adamo, each person would be able to follow a diet perfectly adapted to his metabolism if he trusted his blood type. His recommendations, published in 1996, are recently taken up by Harvard Health Publishing:

Blood Type A
Choose fruits and vegetables, tofu, seafood and turkey. Red meat, corn, dairy products and red beans are to be avoided.

Blood Type B
Their diet should include protein, fruits, dairy products, seafood as well as cereals. Limit consumption of wheat, white meat, corn and peanuts.

Blood Type AB
Give priority to dairy products, fish, seeds, tofu, and vegetables. Reduce your intake of white meat, corn, kidney beans and buckwheat.

Blood Type O
Choose a diet rich in protein, fish, vegetables, fruits and beans. However, be careful to limit the consumption of seeds and avoid wheat, corn and dairy products.

Your personality according to your blood type
An association between personality and blood Type would have emerged in 1927, when a teacher named Takeji Furukawa reportedly published an article on the same concept in The Journal of Psychological Research.

Blood Type A
People in this blood Type know how to be compassionate. In addition, they have a keen sense of organization, which makes them good leaders capable of leading a team effectively.

Blood Type B
Friendly and sociable, they also know how to be disciplined in order to reach their goal. Moreover, meditation is an important element to their well-being.

Blood Type AB
Often avant-garde, individuals belonging to the AB blood Type approach life with a rational mind. In particular, they have a quiet strength that allows them to overcome any obstacle.

Blood Type O
These people have great confidence and good practical sense. Moreover, they are extremely attentive and attentive, which allows them to show empathy.

Food and exercise
In an article relayed by our colleagues from the Daily Telegraph, weight loss and physical exercise can be adapted according to blood type. As fitness coach Mark Moon explains to the magazine:

"I see a big change in the body of my clients when I adapt their training to their blood type [...] In addition to working in a biological way, it allows them to take a different perspective; they have the impression of training from the inside "

Blood Type A
This Type has high levels of cortisol. Relaxing activities such as climbing or swimming are to be preferred, in addition to a predominantly vegetarian diet.

Blood Type B
It is best to mix intense exercises with meditation. Their diet is best when it is based on the consumption of dairy products, fish and green vegetables.

Blood Type AB
This Type requires personalized training programs that target different parts of the body. Physical exercise should be associated with a diet rich in seafood based on small portions.

Blood Type O
Intense exercise is recommended for people with O blood type, which is best combined with a high protein diet.

Blood compatibility
  • A can receive blood from Types A or O and can give Types A and AB
  • B can receive blood from Type B or O and can give it to Types B and AB
  • AB is a universal receiver but can only give to Type AB
  • O is a universal donor but can only receive from the same Type O

Plasma compatibility
  • A can receive Types A and AB but he can only give A and O
  • B can receive B and AB but can only give B and O
  • AB is a universal plasma donor but can only receive AB
  • O is a universal receiver but can only give O
We Should All Know These 5 Things About Our Blood Type