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New Study Proves We Prefer Dogs To Humans

New Study Proves We Prefer Dogs To Humans

And if a human and a dog stood side by side and both needed help, but you could only choose one. It would not be an easy decision, would it? Some studies reveal that when feeling empathy, many people prefer dogs to others as relayed by the magazine Demotivator. It surprises you?

At least, that's what new studies have shown. Sociologists and anthropologists at Northeastern University and Coloradose University asked why the indignation and the level of reaction were sometimes higher when abused or tormented animals made headlines, as opposed to similar scenarios involving human beings. humans. They decided to do a test and the results were ... interesting, to say the least.

An amazing study
According to the information received, the researchers gave a fictional report to 265 students after which they had to go back on their feelings for an adult or a child brutally beaten compared to a dog or a puppy.

It turned out that students felt more empathy for dogs than adult humans. The researchers also found more empathy for the victims who are human children, puppies and adult dogs than for the victims who are adult humans. Age makes the difference when it comes to empathy for human victims, but not for dogs.

"Many people may consider dogs to be vulnerable, regardless of age, to adult humans," the researchers said. "In other words, dogs, whether young or adult, are considered to have many of the same qualities associated with human babies. They are considered unable to fully protect themselves, compared to adult humans. "

The results of the study did not surprise behavioralist and animal trainer Russel Hartstein, who said: "Dogs provide unconditional love and often people make stronger bonds with their animals another human. "

The health benefits of dogs

Improve heart health
One study showed that survivors of a heart attack and having a pet are eight times more likely to live another year if they own a dog as a pet.

An active lifestyle
A 2011 study by researchers at Michigan State University found that 60% of dog owners who walked their animals regularly met the recommended criteria for regular exercise. "There seems to be a close connection between owning and walking a dog and reaching a higher level of physical activity, even after taking into account walking your dog," said epidemiologist Mathew Reeves, who led the program. 'study.

A better social life
People who own a dog have been less lonely. A study published in 1993 revealed that "dog owners expressed much less dissatisfaction with their social, physical and emotional state". Researchers at the University of British Columbia, Canada, recently determined that dog therapy was beneficial for students with homesickness.

Less allergies
According to the University of Wisconsin's Department of Paediatrics, infants living in homes with dogs are significantly less likely to develop allergies. "Babies who grow up with a dog at home are much less likely to have allergic dermatitis (12% vs. 27%) and wheezing (19% vs. 36%) before their third birthday," says department. Researchers are also investigating whether bacteria in dogs' mouths can have an effect similar to that of probiotics on humans after they lick their owners.
New Study Proves We Prefer Dogs To Humans