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15 Stroke Symptoms That Doctors Ask You Not To Ignore

15 Stroke Symptoms That Doctors Ask You Not To Ignore

According to the Foundation for Research on Stroke, a stroke occurs every 4 minutes and 28,000 new cases are reported each year. It is therefore a disorder to know to avoid suffering and / or a loved one is a victim. Overview of the symptoms of this pathology and the best way to recognize it.

The stroke is illustrated by the rupture or alteration of a blood vessel in the brain, which deprives the nerve cells of oxygen. This then causes a sudden loss of brain function. Note that there are different types of stroke including ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and transient ischemic attack (TIA). In the first case, the blood flow is blocked by a blood clot, in the second case, it is a rupture of blood vessels and in the latter case, a clot temporarily blocks - less than one hour - 'artery.

This accident can occur at any age, although the risks are higher as time passes. In addition, depending on the lifestyle of each (tobacco, sedentary lifestyle, junk food, overweight / obesity, stress ...) and diseases that a person suffers (diabetes, hypertension, excess cholesterol), the risks will be increased. Other hereditary and ethnic criteria also come into play.

 The consequences of this incident can be fatal, so it is important to know the symptoms and the most effective way to detect it.

The symptoms of a stroke

The symptoms of a stroke are many and include:

· Sudden paralysis (face, arm, leg or body part)
· A subsidence of an area of ​​the face
· Dizziness
· Language disorders
· A loss of balance
· Movement difficulties
· Confusion
· Vision problems
· An intense headache
·  Vomitings
· Difficulties of understanding
· A loss of sensitivity
· Loss of consciousness
· Difficulty breathing
· Palpitations

- How to recognize a stroke?

Given the vital urgency of a stroke, it is important to recognize it quickly. A memo-technical means is going in this direction, and several countries have launched awareness campaigns so that it is known by everyone, including the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. This is the VITE test (ouFAST in English) which corresponds to:

- Face: is he slumped and / or paralyzed while smiling?
- Incapacity: Is it possible to lift both arms at the same time?
- Speech disorder: is the pronunciation difficult?
- Extreme emergency: immediately contact the emergency services

Acting fast can limit the severity of the stroke. Indeed, after such an incident, sequels are visible and disrupt the daily life of the victim. There is usually aphasia, that is to say a total or partial loss of communication faculties and paralysis of certain areas of the body following a stroke. Note that in addition to knowing how to recognize a stroke, we must prevent this accident by taking some lifestyle measures.

Tips to prevent a stroke

To avoid suffering a stroke and reduce risk factors, you should:

· Have a healthy and balanced diet
· Practice regular physical activity
· Avoid sources of stress and learn how to manage it
· Keep a healthy weight
· Limit, if not eliminate, tobacco and harmful substances (alcohol, drugs)
· Avoid excess food (sugars, salt, fat)
· Take care of yourself daily, physically and psychically.
Stroke Symptoms