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15 Minutes Of Exercise To Burn Belly Fat If You Do Not Have Time To Go To The Gym

15 Minutes Of Exercise To Burn Belly Fat If You Do Not Have Time To Go To The Gym

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

Some fats are stubbornly lodged in the most visible places of our body, starting with the belly. Unsightly folds or bulges, the repercussions of our extra kilos do not hesitate to impose themselves arbitrarily and to get rid of them becomes a real headache. Unfortunately, overcrowded schedules do not always allow regular passage to the gym. For this purpose, we offer 15 minutes of exercise to do anywhere to burn belly fat!

In the comfort of your home or office during the break, we offer simple and targeted movements that will allow you to say goodbye to the stubborn bulges of the belly. Combined with a healthy diet, these exercises stimulate your metabolism and melt fats like snow in the sun!

Do cardio while climbing the stairs

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

For starters, be aware that losing weight is not an exclusive task for gyms. If you take the time to look around you will find that there are a thousand and one ways to refine yourself using the means that surround you.

For this exercise, the simplest way to target your fat and refine your silhouette is to climb the stairs. For 15 minutes, this cardio exercise will allow you to tap into your reserves to produce the energy your body needs. You can increase the duration and intensity of this exercise gradually. After a few months, you will notice a marked improvement of your physical condition, a firm and toned body as well as a flat and muscular belly.

Use a chair to work your abs

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

This exercise will be your best friend if you do not have time to leave your office to go to the gym. Simple and effective, it will allow you to work your abdominals and tone your stomach.

To start, sit down and rest on the edges of your chair. Begin the movement by lifting your legs and keeping them straight in front of you. Once well extended, fold them back by bringing your knees to the chest. For conclusive results, perform 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Work your lateral abs with a chair

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

Always using a chair, this time prefer the exercise of your side abdominals. The fat is housed at several levels of the belly, it is important to stimulate all your muscles to obtain satisfactory results.

To make this move, use the chair as a support and lie on your side. Take hold of your arm and lift your legs up and down. Once the right side exercise is complete, repeat the movement on the left side. This exercise is done for 15 minutes by working both sides of your body in turn.

Make inverted abs

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

Simple and requiring no special equipment, this exercise will only take a few minutes to stimulate your abdominal muscles. To make it happen, start lying on your back. Place your arms flat with your palms facing down and stretch your legs.

Once in position, lift your legs and draw the energy required for this movement in the strength of your abdominals. Be careful not to go too fast, the effectiveness of this exercise depends on your ability to perform smooth movements to work your muscles appropriately. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Try the V-shaped abs

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

If this exercise seems difficult, do not give up because it would be one of the most effective to dislodge belly fat! To do this, lie on the floor with your arms and legs straight. Then lift your bust and legs so that the angle of these two parts forms a V. Extend your arms by trying to touch your toes and then slowly return to the initial position. Do 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Practice the Russian rotation or the "Russian Twist"

15 minutes of exercise to burn belly fat

Another derivative of the abdominal exercises, the Russian rotation helps strengthen the upper torso. Also known as "Russian Twist", this movement can be done at home and only requires goodwill!

To begin, sit on the floor, lifting your legs and keeping your feet glued to each other. Your back should form a 45 degree angle. Once in position, swing your arms together from left to right. Remember that slowness is the key to working deeply in your abdominals. This exercise is to be performed for 15 minutes without interruption.