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This Lemon And Parsley Diet Makes You Lose Weight In 5 Days And Keeps You Healthy

This Lemon And Parsley Diet Makes You Lose Weight In 5 Days And Keeps You Healthy

Over time, toxins accumulate in our body and it is essential to eliminate them sporadically. Starting a detox cure is an excellent health that can benefit many other organs. This time, we offer lemon water parsley with unstoppable virtues for the body. Purifying, protective and refreshing, this water combines two foods with multiple virtues. Spotlight on the benefits of the plant and yellow citrus fruit.

Did you know that lemon was known for its antioxidant power and protective effect on the cardiovascular system? If you read the following lines, you will know more about the benefits of this citrus fruit rich in vitamin C.

Benefits of lemon

A slimming ally
Lemon is a slimming ally of size. Due to its effect on lipid filtration, toxins are removed from the body simultaneously for a purified organism. The bonus? This citrus fruit is low in calories, making it a delicious and healthy food to add to its balanced dishes. According to this study, it is the polyphenols present in lemon that fight against obesity. For more effect on the line, lemon water is a safe bet.

Protector of the cardiovascular system
To protect yourself from heart disease, nothing like adding a good amount of lemon to your diet. And for good reason, a study proves that it is part of the effective foods to guard against the dysfunction of the coronary arteries.

Stimulates metabolism
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue that makes you feel slow? A lemon cure could be the natural remedy. Its vitamin C is recommended during the winter when our energy is experiencing a decline in vitality. Like coffee, lemon increases our performance thanks to its stimulating action on the metabolism.

Benefits of parsley

A formidable slimming ally
Did you know that 8 grams of parsley were only two calories? It's hard to believe when you think of all its nutritional properties. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, many nutrients essential for the proper functioning of our body. To enhance the taste of your salads, your dishes or your juices, think of parsley!

Decreases blood sugar
Whether it is a consequence of diabetes or simply poor food hygiene, the plant has an annihilating effect on blood sugar levels. The antioxidants present in parsley allow this beneficial effect on the body. According to this in vivo study, the herb effectively reduces the risk of diabetes.

Good for bones
Thanks to its rich vitamin K, parsley helps to consolidate bone density. Source of potassium, calcium and magnesium, it is an essential food to protect bones and joints.

Fight against kidney stones
The elements present in parsley such as flavonoids, carotenoids or vitamin C have a preventive effect against kidney stones. This scientific experiment carried out in vivo demonstrates the certain effects of parsley on its mineral concentrates present in the urine which can be very painful.

Good for heart health
Thanks to its high carotenoid levels, parsley helps promote good heart health by fighting bad cholesterol levels. According to this study, parsley helps prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease including atherosclerosis.

Warnings :

-Lemon consumption is not recommended for people with gallbladder disorders, kidney stones or gastric disorders.

- Avoid parsley if you are on anticoagulant therapy or if you have kidney problems.

- Pregnant women should not consume parsley on pain of early contractions.

Preparation of lemon water with parsley:


- 3 lemons, organic
- A small bunch of parsley, organic
- 2 liters of purified water

- Squeeze lemons and parsley in a blender
- Mix it with 2 liters of water that you will keep in the refrigerator.

To observe convincing results on your body, it is essential to follow this cure for at least 5 days. Drink this preparation 2 times a day, half an hour before each meal.
Parsley Diet