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Why You Need To Put Onions In Your Socks While You Sleep

Why You Need To Put Onions In Your Socks While You Sleep

Onions are beneficial for the whole body. Cooked, raw or infused, they detoxify the body and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Nothing like it to fight against cold-related diseases. This grandmother's trick will leave you speechless. Did you know that putting slices of onions in your socks during the night could help you get the most out of these vegetables? Focus on the amazing benefits of onion.

The onion hides many surprises under its many layers. Did you know that this food has protective properties of the immune system? With this tip from Chinese foot reflexology, you'll know how to fight colds or flu effectively.

The benefits of onions

1- An excellent source of nutrients
Low on calories, onions are an inexhaustible source of nutrients essential for the proper functioning of our body. Rich in vitamin C, they can effectively fight against free radicals circulating in the body. And that's not all: onions contain vitamin B9, B6 and K and potassium. A reason to invite them in our winter dishes as in our summer salads!

2- A shield of the cardiovascular system
Consuming onion is a healthy habit to guard against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Antioxidants and active compounds in this food are effective in lowering triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the blood. According to an in vivo study, onion consumption improves cardiovascular health.

3- Onion to prevent obesity
To prevent obesity, nothing better than to eat onion regularly. Eating this food helps regulate the presence of lipids in the blood, especially in people with diabetes. An in vivo study concludes that 5% of onion extract consumed over 28 days can reduce body sugar levels and body fat.

4- A powerful antibacterial
Onion is a powerful antibacterial. It is so effective that it has the power to fight against bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Quercetin, the active agent of the onion is at the origin of these astonishing antibacterial and antifungal properties.

5- Stimulates the digestive health
Thanks to its high fiber and probiotic content, onion helps the digestive system produce fatty acids. These are the latter that improve digestion and reduce inflammation.

6- Relieves the symptoms of cold
Like garlic, onion is an excellent natural alternative to conventional flu treatments. Its richness in vitamin C and A makes it possible to fight the cold and to make it a natural decongestant remedy. This study confirms that onion is a recommended plant for these common winter ailments.

7- The onion, to solidify the bones
Adding onions helps keep bones strong longer. According to this study conducted on a panel of 24 women after menopause, onion is effective in strengthening the mineral density of bones. In cause: its richness in antioxidants.

Put some onion in his socks, why?
This trick comes straight from China. Plantar reflexology, a thousand-year-old discipline, promotes the idea that certain points give direct access to certain organs. The onion in contact with the plantar vault would eliminate symptoms related to cold diseases.

Here without waiting more how to proceed to implement this tip of grandmother.

Take a biological onion and cut it in several slices. Then put a slice under each foot that you will wrap with a sock. In the morning, remove the socks and discard the slices. Repeat until healing.

Onions can be indigestible to people with gastric problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. It must therefore be consumed in moderation.
Why You Need To Put Onions In Your Socks While You Sleep