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A Powerful Lemon Drink To Melt Fats And Lose Weight In A Week

A Powerful Lemon Drink To Melt Fats And Lose Weight In A Week

Deposition of fat in the body is mainly due to poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. In the long run, this can cause fat prominences that are stored in the belly, back, or legs. Setting up a diet, resuming a sports activity, limiting gaps, all habits that help fight against weight gain. In parallel, you can also give a boost to your body by consuming natural remedies.

To fight against the overweight, it is essential to fight against the factors at the origin of the accumulation of fats. With this powerful drink that requires only two ingredients, eliminate fat in a sustainable and effective way. Focus on these scientifically recognized ingredients to eliminate fat and prevent weight gain.

This plant is very low in calories and is therefore a good food to add to your diet. These nutritional qualities are remarkable because celery contains vitamin A, C, E and K as well as potassium. Its low glycemic index and its diuretic effect make it an ideal slimming partner that can be consumed without moderation because it promotes the elimination of toxins, offers a sense of satiety and reduces cholesterol levels. Bonus: its wealth of flavonoids and beta-carotene helps prevent cell aging and the proliferation of free radicals in the body. One more reason to favor this food.

It is well known that lemon is a food with many health benefits. According to this study, citrus fruit can reduce the body fat responsible for overweight or obesity. The level of pectin present in the food helps stimulate the feeling of satiety. Ideal for those who are subject to cravings between meals. According to this scientific research, the polyphenols present in lemon also make it possible to fight against obesity. Another major advantage is that consumption of citrus fruit promotes digestion thanks to its high fiber content.

Preparation of the anti-fat drink


- 400 grams of celery
- 1 kilo of organic lemons


- Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and add grated celery and lemon peels. Then let it cook for 20 minutes.

- Let the mixture cool for 5 to 6 hours then squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the container.

- Drain the mixture in a colander and pour it into an airtight glass carafe. Keep the preparation in the refrigerator.

For effective results, drink two to three times a day before meals. As a reminder, before beginning a cure, it is essential to consult your doctor.

Additional tips for eliminating fat

This remedy is ideal for eliminating fat in a context of adapted diet. In parallel to this one, it is essential to establish dietary and lifestyle habits that will allow weight loss. These are:

An adapted diet
To lose weight, it is essential to stick to the diet that we set. It's about having a balanced diet to avoid the yo-yo effect of draconian diets. For this, do not hesitate to get help from a nutritionist who will regularly monitor your goals and your weight loss.

A sports activity
Nothing like a sedentary lifestyle to gain weight. To overcome this, it is very important to exercise a sport at your own pace and gradually. Swimming, walking, indoor sports, so many activities you can choose to eliminate stubborn fat.

Keeping your goal in mind is the key to lasting weight loss. A good dose of self-discipline is very important not to fall back into the lurch of neglect. Feel free to keep a notebook or diet application to track your goals and motivate you day-to-day.

Caution :
- Celery is not recommended for pregnant women because it stimulates the contractions of the uterus. This herb is not recommended if you have kidney problems.

- Lemon should be avoided in cases of gastric disorders or urinary stones. If you have gall bladder problems, citrus fruit should be avoided.
A Powerful Lemon Drink To Melt Fats And Lose Weight In A Week