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7 Reasons Why Doctors Recommend Freezing Lemon

7 Reasons Why Doctors Recommend Freezing Lemon

If you are interested in nutrition, the benefits of lemon for health will not have escaped you. Detoxifying, toning or antioxidant, citrus fruits are amazing in their virtues and nutritional properties. Declinable in juice, seasoning dishes or desserts, it is a food that adds flavor while enjoying your body. Back on the benefits of this food with multiple properties.

Often used in detox treatments, lemon is recommended for those who wish to lose weight or keep the line. Did you know that there are many other benefits to adding to your diet?

Benefits of lemon

Monitor the line
Lemon helps to filter lipids and cleanse the body of toxins. Its low calories makes it a food that can be safely integrated into a balanced diet. According to this study, the polyphenols found in citrus fruits help fight against obesity.

Boost the metabolism
Nothing better to face the day that awaits you with success than a glass of lemon juice! Its vitamin C, a nutrient useful for people prone to chronic fatigue makes citrus an excellent tonic.

Fight against the cold
If you suffer from cold-related illnesses such as colds or flu, lemon may be a great remedy. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the food allow it to be a natural and effective alternative to conventional treatments.

Good for the heart
Lemon proves to be an excellent protector against heart disease. According to this study, it is one of the foods that reduce the risk of dysfunction of the coronary arteries. One more reason to add yellow citrus to our diet.

Prevent kidney stones
Citric acid found in citrus helps dissolve kidney stones by increasing the pH of the urine. This mechanism prevents their formation in the kidneys. It's scientifically proven.

Prevent anemia
Lemon is helpful in helping the body absorb iron. According to one study, yellow citrus is recommended to fight anemia. In question, the presence of citric acid and vitamin C.

Slow cell aging:
Lemon is known to be one of the richest foods in antioxidants. This gives it the power to slow cellular aging and fight against free radicals responsible for many diseases.

Caution :

-It is not recommended to consume lemon if you have gall bladder disorders.

-The lemon is to be banned in your diet if you have kidney stones or stomach upset.

How to enjoy the nutritional value of lemon?

Lemon is a true concentrate of nutrients beneficial for overall health. Vitamin A, B, C, E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper, all of which you can enjoy by adding the food to your dishes. Did you know that lemon peel was also a nutritional mine? Here's a tip to enjoy the benefits of citrus for a long time.

Take some organic lemons. Wash and dry before storing in a freezer bag. Once the lemon is frozen, simply grate it to enjoy both the zest and the flesh. You can add this powder to your dishes, juices or salads to enjoy all the virtues listed above. In addition to this, you enjoy the lemon peel in which the majority of antioxidants are stored.
7 Reasons Why Doctors Recommend Freezing Lemon