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This Tea Fights Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's Disease And Multiple Sclerosis

This Tea Fights Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's Disease And Multiple Sclerosis

Thanks to its distinctive taste, thyme is a staple in our kitchens. Renowned for its medicinal qualities for centuries, the ancient Egyptians used it in their embalming practices while the Greeks used it as incense. But did you know that thyme can also treat many ailments?

Thyme is a herb of the mint family. Thymol, the main component of thyme, is part of a class of natural compounds called biocides. These are substances that can destroy harmful organisms, such as infectious bacteria according to an article in Medical News Today.

The benefits of thyme
Thyme helps prevent and reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis thanks to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing properties. But that's not all, thyme is also effective at fighting bacteria and relieving many ailments.

Thyme was often mixed equally with lavender and spread on church floors in the Middle Ages to eliminate unwanted odors. This association offers many benefits. Its effectiveness has been proven in a study of the Department of Medical and Health Microbiology, University of Medicine, Lodz, Poland. The researchers studied 120 strains of isolated bacteria from patients with infections of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract and hospital. In conclusion, thyme oil has been shown to be effective against bacterial strains tested and resistant to antibiotics.

The essential oil of thyme, obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cure for coughs. In one study, a combination of thyme leaves and ivy helped relieve coughs and other symptoms of acute bronchitis.

A study at the Department of Medicine at Nova University in Lisbon, Portugal, found that mastichin thyme extracts may have a protective effect against colon cancer.

Researchers at the University of Belgrade, Serbia, discovered that an aqueous extract obtained from wild thyme reduced blood pressure in tests on rats. Rats react to hypertension in the same way as humans, so the results could have consequences for humans. However, more tests are needed for the data to be meaningful.

Researchers at the University of Turin in Italy found that thyme essential oil significantly improved the destruction of the C. albicans fungus in the human body. This fungus is a common cause of yeast infections of the mouth and vagina, a recurring condition called thrush.

What does thyme contain?
The volatile essential oils contained in thyme have antirheumatic, antiparasitic, antiviral and antifungal properties. These components can significantly help reduce viral load in the body, which is important in the treatment of chronic diseases, including fibromyalgia, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.

Thyme is full of vitamins and minerals. It is rich in potassium, iron and calcium, all of which contribute to the regulation of blood pressure, the proper formation of red blood cells and the distribution of antioxidants in the body. It is rich in vitamin B complex, vitamins A and C and folic acid. Thyme contains a variety of important bioflavonoids and volatile oils, including thymol. Thymol is an essential oil that has very powerful antioxidant properties.

How to prepare thyme tea?
Put thyme in your teapot, about 1 teaspoon of dried herbs per cup of water. For fresh herbs, you can add more. Pour in boiling water. Let infuse for about 5 minutes then filter and drink thyme tea.

You can consume this tea daily to reduce your chronic pain.

Some people may be allergic to plants of the family Lamiaceae. In others, consumption of thyme can cause digestive system disorders.

If you are on specific treatment for blood or have had surgery, avoid thyme because it contains a significant amount of vitamin K and may increase bleeding. In case of doubt, ask your doctor.
