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The Exceptional Benefits Of Beetroot Make It A Miraculous Food

The Exceptional Benefits Of Beetroot Make It A Miraculous Food

Like many vegetables, the culture of beet goes back to the Roman Empire. Since then, she has made her way into our kitchens in the form of tasty and tasty food. Famous for the Russian soup known as borscht, it can also be eaten in juice, smoothie or salad to tantalize our palate and bring tremendous benefits to our health. Will Hawkins, dietitian accredited by the British Dietetic Association and sports nutritionist, takes stock of the richness of this colorful vegetable.

From the family Chenopodiaceae, the beet declines in several forms according to our needs. Sugar beet, as its name suggests, is used for sugar production while vegetable beet is the variety found in our kitchens. Rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, it is, in addition to being a tasty vegetable, the allied health par excellence. Lighting.

Beetroot reduces blood pressure
Thanks to the nitrate it contains, the beet stimulates the levels of citric oxide present in the body. The latter is initially produced by our body to dilate the blood vessels, beet reinforces its action by improving blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

Beetroot strengthens the muscles
If you suffer from muscle weakness or your body is tired, the beet may be able to help you. Indeed, its concentration in nitrates helps strengthen your muscles, including that of the heart. This benefit would be particularly beneficial for people with heart failure.

Beetroot increases endurance
Consuming beet juice is a valuable aid during sports activities as it will allow the body and muscles to maintain optimal oxygen levels. According to a study by The University of Exeter, this drink would have allowed the subjects observed to increase their endurance by 16%.

Beetroot relieves the symptoms of certain diseases
For some chronic diseases, beet can provide many benefits. Thanks to the alpha-lipoic acid it contains, it would have reduced the glycemia of diabetic patients as well as symptoms of neuropathy that affects the nerves. In addition, this root vegetable would have particularly beneficial properties for people with dementia. According to a study, the nitrate it contains would, at high dose, improve the flow of oxygen to certain regions of the brain.

Beetroot supports weight loss
Rich in fiber (2g per 100g), protein (1.84g) and water (87%), the beet is an alliéminceur not to be underestimated. Very low in calories, it allows you to introduce a tasty and satisfying food to your diets while promoting weight loss.

Beetroot contributes to our potassium intake
To compensate for potassium deficiency and avoid the feelings of fatigue and weakness that result, beet is your friend. Knowing that 100g of this last would fill 9% of your daily contributions, you will be able, by integrating it to your food, limit the risks for your health.

Beetroot fights inflammation
Beet contains a vegetable pigment known as betalain. In a report published by the scientific journal Nutrients, this component would have demonstrated considerable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions in the case of in vitro and in vivo studies. For researchers, these may prove useful in the treatment of certain diseases characterized by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

Beetroot strengthens bones
By consuming an average serving of beet (the equivalent of a cup), you bring your body nearly 6% of its daily intake of magnesium and a significant dose of calcium. Add to that its copper and folic acid content and you get a great ally to strengthen your bones!

Beetroot keeps the liver healthy
Incorporating beetroot juice into your daily diet is a great way to protect your liver and optimize its functioning. According to nutritionist Will Hawkins, this drink would stimulate the production of enzymes with detoxifying action on this organ.

Beetroot improves intestinal health
Thanks to its fiber concentration, the beetroot boosts intestinal transit and thus helps to improve intestinal health. By facilitating digestion, it helps to prevent and avoid certain intestinal disorders, including constipation.

It is imperative to seek advice from your doctor in case of taking medication.

Beet consumption is not recommended for people on anticoagulant therapy or those with kidney disease.

Excessive beet consumption can cause kidney stones because of its oxalate content.

Due to its betalain content, your stool or urine may become reddish as a result of beet consumption. This consequence presents no danger to your health.