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Drink This Lemon Drink Every Day And You'll Never Need Medicine Again

Drink This Lemon Drink Every Day And You'll Never Need Medicine Again

According to WHO, about 80% of people in the world use herbal medicines. Thus, this form of alternative medicine called "phytotherapy", uses parts of a plant: its roots, its leaves, its berries or its flowers, to cure all sorts of diseases. This form of therapy dates back to 400 BC and its founding principles were discovered by the philosopher and founding father of medicine, Hippocrates. The ideology behind phytotherapy revolving around vitalism and self-healing without drugs. In this article, discover a cure that will allow you to regain an iron health naturally.

Among the fundamental principles of naturopathy is the recognition of the healing power of nature that identifies and addresses the root causes of ills by emphasizing prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Dating back several centuries, naturopathy was popularized in the United States after being imported from Germany in the 19th century. It is now practiced in many forms in many countries around the world, where it is subject to different standards of regulation and levels of acceptance.

Herbal medicine: natural solutions
Although the first reflex of the modern man is to take drugs to relieve his ills, it is necessary to know that the pharmaceutical industry as we know it exists actually only since the second half of the 19th century. Thus, for thousands of years, human beings have treated their ills with the only remedies that nature offers them.

Indeed, there are references to plants used in medicine on papyrus writings by ancient Chinese and ancient Egyptian peoples. It was when scientists began to take a closer look at the structure of plants and analyze their active compounds that more sophisticated remedies began to emerge. Shortly after, chemists were able to create replicas of these active ingredients, marking the advent of the pharmaceutical era.

A multi-purpose natural remedy

  • 1 ginger root of medium size (5cm)
  • 2 lemons
  • 500 grams of honey

Cut the lemons into small pieces, then peel the ginger and cut it into pieces. Then put them in a glass jar. Add the honey to your preparation and let stand for a day, while the ginger and lemon can release their juice. Seal your jar tightly and let it sit for a month. After that, the mixture will look like a jelly. Take two tablespoons a day.

The benefits of this remedy

Ginger: Ginger is one of the healthiest and most delicious spices in the world. In addition, it is full of nutrients and bioactive compounds that confer many benefits to the body and brain. Indeed, ginger contains gingerol, a bioactive compound responsible for most of its medicinal properties. Thus, thanks to its inflammatory properties, ginger reduces muscle pain. In addition, ginger helps lower your blood sugar, improve your digestion, reduce bad cholesterol levels and fight infections.

Lemon: Lemons are rich in vitamin C, fiber and various plant compounds beneficial to health. This small treasure can support your cardiovascular health and prevent the risk of heart disease and stroke, protect you against anemia by allowing your body better absorption of iron from plant sources, improve your health. Digestive health thanks to the fiber pectin that it contains and can also help you lose weight.

Honey: This elixir has been used for centuries for its many benefits. Indeed, honey is an excellent source of antioxidants that protect your body against cell damage caused by free radicals and reduce your risk of heart disease and may even help lower your blood pressure. In addition, honey helps you to improve your cholesterol, lower triglycerides in the blood (risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes) and acts as a protective shield against all kinds of infections through its antibacterial properties and its viscous texture.

Honey is not recommended for children under one year old because it causes the disease of infant botulism.

Lemon is not recommended for biliary or gastric disorders, stomach ulcers and citrus allergies. Also, excessive consumption of its peel can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Ginger is not recommended for pregnant women (especially after the first trimester of pregnancy), for weak people or those suffering from blood diseases.

We remind you that self-medication is not recommended, and that the use of natural remedies is only recommended after consultation with your doctor.