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This Old German Lemon Remedy Will Help You Clear Your Arteries, Prevent Infections, Lower Cholesterol And Boost Your Immune System

This Old German Lemon Remedy Will Help You Clear Your Arteries, Prevent Infections, Lower Cholesterol And Boost Your Immune System

Health is a capital and nature is a means to use on a daily basis to preserve it. With this ancient remedy, you can clear your arteries, prevent infections, reduce cholesterol but also boost your immune system. So many benefits that you can enjoy by consuming this preparation with lemon, ginger and garlic.

Did you know that lemon has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties? By combining it with garlic and ginger, prepare an effective drink to guard against many disorders such as infections or the appearance of cholesterol in the blood. Let's review the benefits of the ingredients of this remedy straight from Germany.

Benefits of lemon
An unhealthy lifestyle can cause arteries to become clogged with plaque buildup. Lemon can be a perfect remedy to counter this phenomenon. According to this study, citrus helps reduce the excess lipids responsible for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. As evidenced by this scientific experiment carried out in-vivo, it is the flavonoids, active compounds of the food which make it possible to regulate the arterial tension. Lemon also helps to fight significantly against triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. This food is also interesting for its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory activity. Thanks to its vitamin C, the citrus gives a real boost effect to the immune system making it more efficient. One more reason to invite it to our dishes and smoothies.

Benefits of ginger
The root called Zinziber officinalis has been known for millennia for its healing abilities. According to this study, ginger reduces the causes causing atherosclerosis. Among them, the lipid deposition responsible for the obstruction of the arteries. The food also lowers the presence of cholesterol in the blood through the effect of its active compound, gingerol. But the benefits of ginger do not stop there. The Asian rhizome has preventive and curative effects against infections. Bonus: it boosts the functioning of the immune system and antibodies.

Benefits of garlic
Rich in sulfur compounds, minerals and trace elements, garlic is the health food par excellence. According to this study, its consumption can effectively fight against plaque buildup in the arteries responsible for atherosclerosis. The condiment is also effective in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol present in the blood. Allicin, the main compound of the food acts as an anti-inflammatory but also as an effective stimulator of the immune system.

Preparation of the old remedy
To make the most of these foods with multiple virtues, we advise you to buy them organic. Here without further ado, tips for preparing this effective health drink.

  • 4 lemons
  • 3 to 4 centimeters of ginger root or 3 tablespoons of grated ginger
  • 4 large cloves of garlic
  • 2 liters of filtered water

Wash the lemons and cut them into pieces. Peel the garlic before adding it to the ginger and lemons in a blender.

- Mix everything until a liquid and homogeneous preparation.
- Put the mixture in a container and add the two liters of water.
- Boil the mixture while mixing throughout cooking.

Allow the liquid to cool, then place it in a glass container.

The cure is to consume for 3 weeks with a fasting drink 2 hours before each meal. Once the period has been completed, take a break of one week before starting again. If the taste of the preparation seems unpleasant you can add a tablespoon of honey. As a reminder, it is essential to consult your doctor before using a natural remedy.


- The consumption of lemon is not recommended for people with kidney, gastric and biliary disorders.

Garlic should be avoided before and after surgery and during anticoagulation therapy.

- Ginger is not recommended before surgery, in case of ulcer or biliary disorders.
Clear Your Arteries Lemon