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Doctors Recommend This Lemon And Prune Laxative To Clear Your Intestines In Case Of Constipation

Doctors Recommend This Lemon And Prune Laxative To Clear Your Intestines In Case Of Constipation

Constipation, bloating, heaviness ... the consequences of a bad transit are many and varied. Indeed, it suffices that the digestion slows down or knows some clashes so that the body immediately feels the effects. Fortunately, a simple improvement in lifestyle can overcome these problems, and it starts with the consumption of laxative foods rich in fiber. To help you, here is a natural remedy based on dates, prunes and lemon to stimulate your transit and reduce constipation problems.

Often secret, constipation concerns thousands of us. One in five people will be affected by this disorder that can develop occasionally but also chronic and perpetuate itself over time. To remedy this, simply take a few simple steps that will get rid of this problem in no time!

Causes of constipation
As with any problem, it is always necessary to understand the causes of constipation before tackling their resolution. Indeed, no remedy can bear fruit if the triggers of the disorder in question are still part of your lifestyle. According to our colleagues at Le Figaro, constipation, which occurs as a result of the slowing of intestinal transit, is due to several causes:
  • A drop in water intake
  • Bed rest or prolonged sedentary lifestyle (reduced bowel movements)
  • A lack of fiber intake (reduces the speed of intestinal transit)
  • Certain diseases such as hypothyroidism and functional colopathy
  • Laxatives taken in excess or for too long

Certain medicines (analgesics, antiparkinsonian, antidepressants ...) used especially by the elderly.

Thus, beyond external factors such as certain diseases or treatments that are more or less out of your control, the diet itself, is quite within your reach. Therefore, it is important to adapt it to your needs in order to avoid aggravation of any health condition.

Importance of fibers
When it comes to constipation, you will necessarily hear about fiber because they are known for their laxative effect on the digestive system. In this remedy, it is the dates and prunes that act in this way to allow you to regain a regular transit. Indeed, prunes contain high amounts of fiber, sorbitol and phenolic compounds very effective in relieving constipation. They also contain dihydroxyphenylisatin, a substance that stimulates the peristalsis, that is to say the contraction of the intestines which allows to evacuate the stool. Moreover, the benefits of prunes would be similar to those of dates with some differences. Indeed, the date, rich in fiber and polyphenols, would be part of the suggestions of scientists to prevent the development of colorectal cancer through the maintenance of a healthy and regular intestinal movement. They are actually rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. The latter retain water in the colon, which results in an increase in the volume of stool and thus their evacuation easier way.

In addition, this remedy also contains lemon that acts in a powerful way on the body. Thanks to the acid content of this citrus, its juice acts as a natural lubricant by softening the stool and stimulating the evacuation of feces.

Here is what you will need to prepare it:

  • 150 grams of prunes
  • 150 grams of dates
  • 5 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 5 cups of boiling water

To prepare this remedy, carefully wash your prunes and dates before cutting into small pieces. In a saucepan, boil the equivalent of 5 cups of water and add the rest of your ingredients. It will cook on medium heat until a thick consistency. Once ready, place your mixture in a container, close tightly and keep cool.

This remedy contains about 20 tablespoons, or 1 tablespoon a day to improve your health! To eliminate water retention and facilitate your transit, it is important to consume it in the morning for breakfast. You can mix it with a yogurt or a bowl of cereals.

Lemon is not recommended for biliary, gastric or stomach ulcers. Also, be aware that excessive consumption of its peel can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

It is essential to consult a doctor if constipation persists.
Lemon And Prune Laxative