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Lemon, Vinegar And Baking Soda Can Transform Your Life Forever

Lemon, Vinegar And Baking Soda Can Transform Your Life Forever

Between cleaning and sweeping, the household is not an easy task and can even become annoying when the products used are inefficient, expensive and especially toxic. Why not turn to natural alternatives that are greener and more economical? The Guardian unveils the tricks of the founder of a zero-waste supermarket, relating to some products that are easily found in our kitchens.

According to Ingrid Caldironi, creator of Bulk Market, it is quite possible to clean all surfaces of the house with simple natural products that you could make yourself and are within the reach of everyone. Indeed, instead of losing money in products that promise wonders, it would be better to use harmless ingredients that cost almost nothing. It is baking soda, vinegar, lemon but also Castile soap that are intended for multiple uses, unlike supermarket products that remain labeled for specific and specific tasks.

How are these ingredients effective?

Baking soda
Used in cooking, cosmetics or domestic tasks, the reputation of baking soda is more to do. It is associated with several jobs such as laundering laundry, cleaning kitchen and bathroom surfaces, eliminating odors or removing stubborn stains. Thus, in a research published in AFA Watchbird, baking soda allows a safe cleaning. As well as it remains an inexpensive way to whiten and eliminate stains; this is because baking soda is an alkali, a soluble salt that can help remove dirt and stains. Thus, when dissolved in water, this ingredient can interact with the acids contained in the stains and help destroy them.

According to ABC, vinegar can be a good natural alternative for destroying house germs. Indeed, vinegar contains 5% acetic acid. The latter destroys bacteria and viruses by chemically modifying the proteins and fats found therein and destroying their cellular structures. In addition, American researchers have shown that acetic acid contained in vinegar used to kill a bacterium causing tuberculosis.

Although lemon is not a real disinfectant, or at least no reliable study has been able to demonstrate its effectiveness as a domestic disinfectant, the juice of this citrus fruit is considered in a study as a natural biocide to disinfect the drinking water. Moreover, the citric acid it contains can destroy some germs and bacteria.

Soap of Castile
According to Healthline, Castile soap was made in the Mediterranean regions before being spread in Europe. It can be made either with olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil or hemp. As a versatile product, it is also effective for cleaning the body, home or pets.

The different uses of these ingredients

Scrub the toilet
To clean your toilet and make it shine, you can mix ½ cup of baking soda, 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil and ¼ cup of white vinegar. Pour this mixture into the bowl while rubbing.

Clean the bathtub
It involves mixing ¼ cup of liquid Castile soap, 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and a cup of baking soda. Rub the bathtub with this mixture and discover its sparkling cleanliness.

Waxing the work plan
To degrease a worktop, there is no better than preparing a spray based on white vinegar, a little lemon and water. In addition, it will leave your scented surface.

Degrease the oven
Cleaning an oven is hard work because of the stains and grease that get stuck. To do this, simply prepare a paste based on baking soda and water. Cover the inside of the oven with this mixture and let stand for at least an hour or overnight if possible. Clean the next day with a clean, damp cloth.

Clean the floors
If you have a wooden floor and are afraid of damaging it, you can prepare a solution with 1 teaspoon of Castile soap and 10 drops of tea tree oil in 4.5 liters of warm water . After using it, your floor will be perfectly clean.
Lemon, Vinegar And Baking Soda Can Transform Your Life Forever