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This Nutritionist Shares His Favorite Lemon Drink To Remove 13 lb In A Month

This Nutritionist Shares His Favorite Lemon Drink To Remove 13 lb In A Month

Overweight and obesity are terms used to describe the weight ranges that health professionals believe increase the risk of certain conditions and health problems. So if you are obese or overweight, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Also, even a small weight loss can help reduce the risk to your health. In this article, discover a recipe recommended by Elli Krieger, famous American nutritionist who will help you to lose more than 6 kilos in less than a month.

Health professionals use body mass index (BMI) to determine if a person's weight is putting their health at risk. The calculation is done by dividing your weight by the square of your height. To know that there are different categories of obesity:
  • If your BMI is in 18.5 and 24.9, your weight is ideal
  • If your BMI is between 30 and 34.9, you are overweight
  • If your BMI is between 35 and 39.9, you have obesity
  • If your BMI is over 40, you have morbid obesity
Overall, the higher the BMI, the higher the health risks. However, for overweight or obese people, waist circumference is also taken into account to consider the risk to health.

Overall, BMI is a good estimate of the amount of fat in your body. Nevertheless, it should be known that it can be less precise in the muscular people because in this case, the muscle weighs heavier than the fat. Thus, a person with a large muscle mass may have a high BMI due to the weight of his muscular volume but actually have a proportionally low and therefore healthy amount of body fat.

Overweight: Health Risks

If you are obese or overweight you can:
  • Feeling tired and lacking energy
  • Experience respiratory problems
  • Sweating excessively
  • Develop skin irritation, especially if you have wrinkles that touch or rub together
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • Suffer from snoring problems
  • Suffering back and joint pain that can affect your mobility
You can also increase the risk of suffering from:

· Pre-diabetes
· Type 2 diabetes
· High levels of cholesterol or triglycerides
· Hypertension
· Coronary disease
· Stroke
· Sleep Apnea
· Fertility problems
· Polycystic ovary syndrome
· Stomach pains
· Human fatty liver disease

A natural recipe for losing weight

· 1 teaspoon of chia seeds
· 1 tablespoon of honey
· 2 tablespoons lemon juice
· 1 cup of water

First soak the chia seeds in water for 1 hour, then put them in a blender and add remaining ingredients. Mix until you get a homogenous preparation and drink this drink every morning. This will help you lower your blood pressure and your cholesterol level.

Why does it work?

Chia Seeds: Since chia seeds are high in fiber, they satiate you longer and so you avoid eating too much. Indeed, several studies have shown that diets high in fiber were associated with weight loss. A study conducted in 2015 also revealed that consuming 30 grams of fiber per day allowed to lose as much weight as if you were following a more complex diet.

Lemon: In fact, the soluble pectin fiber found in lemon helps to expand your stomach which helps you feel fuller longer. Also, several studies have shown that plant compounds contained in extracts of lemon could help prevent or reduce weight gain in several ways. An excellent detox food, lemon not only reduces body fat and stimulates metabolism, it also proves to be a true ally for your health.

Honey: Honey bring flavor to your drink. In addition, this elixir provides fiber, vitamins and other minerals beneficial to health. Also, for obese or overweight people, honey reduces no...

This Nutritionist Shares His Favorite Honey: Honey will add flavor to your drink. In addition, this elixir provides fiber, vitamins and other minerals beneficial to health. Also, for obese or overweight people, honey not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular disorders but does not increase their body weight.

Lemon is not recommended for people with biliary or renal disorders, stomach ulcers or citrus allergies.

Chia seeds are not recommended for people on hypotensive therapy. Consumed in large quantities they can cause diarrhea or constipation, inflammation of the diverticula. Do not exceed a teaspoon per day. They are not recommended for people with allergies to sesame seeds or flaxseed and those suffering from blood disease.

Honey is not recommended for children under one year old because it causes the disease of infant botulism.

Lemon Drink