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99% Of People Make These 2 Mistakes When Drinking Lemon Water

99% Of People Make These 2 Mistakes When Drinking Lemon Water

Diuretic and refreshing, lemon water is part of allied health drinks. Whether it is eaten warm or fresh with ice cubes, it can only improve your metabolism, in addition to being the best friend of dieticians and people seeking weight loss.

Menton celebrated this year its 86th edition of the Lemon Festival under the theme of "Fantastic Worlds". It's also time for you to celebrate this citrus in your own way each day with lemon water.

Doubts hang over the origin of the lemon, the first theories state that it was cultivated by the greek and the Romans following mosaics representing him at that time. Still others speak of Christopher Colombe as the one who introduced the lemon to the new world after his expedition to the Americas in 1493. The best known, however, is that this citrus is native to the Kashmir region of India and China. that it was introduced by the Arabs throughout the Mediterranean basin.

However, this leaves no doubt about its benefits health and slimming also, it is indeed:

- An antioxidant of choice: lemon contains a wide variety of flavonoids in addition to limonoids, both known for their great faculty of antioxidant character that helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and those related to cholesterol.

- An anti-inflammatory not to be neglected: organic acids contained mainly in the zest of lemon namely citric acid, malic acid and formic acid promote digestion and protect the body against diseases of inflammatory origin .

- A source of fiber: Lemon contains soluble fiber, mainly pectin found in the fine white flesh of the fruit and in the bark. It is known for its slimming benefits, and its role in helping the body to better assimilate carbohydrates and lipids.

The benefits of lemon explain why lemon water is the first detox ally, but not that. This drink with its vitamin C content also helps to prevent fatigue during sports sessions as well as prevent muscle cramps and reduce blood pressure.

There is, however, a notion of naturopathic terrain to explore which makes lemon water have more effect on one category of people than on another. Indeed, according to this discipline a person may be blood-like type often determined by the upper body larger than the legs, a complexion and a tendency to quickly gain weight, or typeneuro-arthritic with a complexion paler and a slender, rather intellectual silhouette. The treatment with lemon water is more likely to work for a sanguino-plethoric person by its morphology and the functioning of its metabolism.

In preparing lemon water, many people tend to make the following mistakes:

First mistake:
Skip the zest, because the pectin is contained in the bark and the small white skin of lemon, collect the zest of your lemons before squeezing and add it to your lemon water, that good for your body! But make sure the lemon is organic or wash it with a mixture of water and vinegar to remove traces of pesticides.

Second mistake:
Wash your teeth right after! After drinking your lemon water, rinse your mouth until you no longer feel the acidity of the lemon before using your toothpaste (it will take at least 30 minutes), the best would be to drink it with straw. Indeed, the lemon may damage the tooth enamel.

Caution :
It is not recommended to take lemon water in case of kidney and biliary disorders, as well as in case of burns and stomach ulcer and citrus allergy.

It is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting a natural cure or to follow a remedy of grandmother.
Drinking Lemon Water