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11 Signs That A Guardian Angel Is Protecting You

11 Signs That A Guardian Angel Is Protecting You

According to some beliefs, we would all have a guardian angel. He is a spiritual guide who protects us from harm and helps us overcome obstacles. It manifests itself through distinct signs, which appear when we need them most. However, we are not always attentive to these messages.

Typically, these messages take the form of dreams, smells, images, sounds or strange numbers and sensations. They leave us perplexed and we often understand them after a while. In order to interpret them more easily and quickly, here are 11 signs that show that a guardian angel protects you and communicates with you:

1- He visits you during your dreams
It is the most used means of communication by the guardian angels: dreams. Whether it is to warn you of a danger or to testify of his love, your angel reveals elements in your dream that will have a particular meaning. Your role will be to interpret them in the right way. For example, if you dream of death, it means a renewal and if you dream of travel, you may be visited.

2- You see strange shapes
A bright light, a halo or a bright flash can look like strange shapes, which disturb you. The play of light and shadow, like the shadows, can indicate the presence of your angel near you. But what to do in these cases? Just close your eyes and catch your breath, it will help you refocus and enjoy the comfort of that presence.

3- A sweet smell floats in the air
You smell a sweet, comforting smell that reminds you of the scent of your childhood? It is a sign that your Spiritual Guide is near and supportive. Generally, this smell floats in the air when you need it most.

4- You find a white feather
Among the angelic messages, signs of intense protection, there is finding a white feather. You will fall on it when you are lost and you will not know which path to take because it symbolizes purity, hope, protection and peace.

5- Your baby fixes a specific place
To know if you are in the company of a spiritual being, you only need to be attentive to the behavior of your pets but also to your baby. They have the faculty to see the angels and to be receptive to their appearances.

6- Clouds look like angels
If you look at the sky, it will give you some of the most glaring clues about the presence of an angel near you. Clouds usually take the form of angels when you have trouble seeing their messages.

7- You notice repetitive numbers
11:11, 12:12, 13:13 ... every time you look at the time, you notice repetitive numbers? Your favorite figure appears several times during the day and in several places? It is because your guardian angel is trying to get your attention, either to show you his support or to warn of imminent danger.

8- The temperature is constantly changing
When a guardian angel is near you, the temperature of the room can fluctuate. A feeling of warmth invades you when your guardian angel wants to share with you his kindness, while a drop in temperature indicates a risk, an unfortunate event.

9- You hear distant noises
If you hear noises in the distance, whispers and whispers while you are alone in a room, it's because your angel is not far away. He tries to get in touch with you this way because he knows you are open to this type of communication.

10- Loneliness no longer scares you
For some time now, you have not been afraid of loneliness. On the contrary, you feel serene in times when you are alone physically because you know you are not spiritually. This angelic presence reassures and comforts you.

11- You feel tingling in the back of your head
Some people who have noted the presence of a guardian angel state that they have experienced tingling in the back of their head and itching on the top of their skull. These symptoms were not particularly troublesome and did not last long.

All these signs indicate that a guardian angel is near you and above all, that it protects you from an accident or a tragic event. Pay attention to these signs as they also help you to have answers to your questions.
Guardian Angel