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Calculate Your Ideal Weight Based On Body Shape, Age And Size

Calculate Your Ideal Weight Based On Body Shape, Age And Size

We all want to reach our ideal weight, the one that will allow us to appreciate our body and be proud of it. Social media constantly display perfect bodies, with nutritious and sporty tips to look like. But did you know that your ideal weight does not depend on your image? There is a simple way to calculate your "healthy" weight which will allow you to avoid a lot of effort.

Indeed, some people seek to achieve a specific weight, without taking into account some essential criteria. Keeping in mind an irrational goal, they face constant frustration. Despite all the sport, all the diets and all the efforts that these people make, they always get the same numbers on the scale and remain dissatisfied. Some go even further and restrict themselves in their diet until they fall into eating disorders to have a low weight.

To avoid unnecessary suffering, because your "healthy" weight does not depend on your illusory goals but on a very simple scientific calculation, we present you a method to evaluate your ideal weight according to your morphology, your height and your age .

The method :

- If you have a "normal" morphology: ((Size in cm - 100) + (Age in years / 10)) x 0.9

- If you have a "fine" morphology:: ((Size in cm - 100) + (Age in years / 10)) x 0.9 x 0.9

- If you have a "wide" morphology: ((Size in cm - 100) + (Age in years / 10)) x 0.9 x 1.1

Why use this method?
The advantage of this method of calculation is that it incorporates the notion of morphology which is very important because it depends on hereditary factors and can explain the tendency to grow easily or lose weight faster.

Why can not you lose weight?

If your plans have often ended in failure, it's time to ask the right questions.

According to Sandra Aamodt, an American neurobiologist, your weight is determined by several criteria. Just because you want to weigh 50 kilos does not mean that doing multiple diets will get you there. Yes, you can reach that weight, but you will not be able to maintain it in the long run. The reason is simple: it's not your weight of form.

As the scientist explains, according to your genetic factors, the weight you will usually do, without special effort, will vary around a range of five kilograms more or less. Your weight regulates naturally. Contrary to what you think, even if you have eaten too much the day before and you see your scale display a distressing number, you do not need an express cure to eliminate this surplus; your body will take care of it naturally and regain its starting weight. If you accumulate excess and your weight changes, it will only be because your brain considers it as its new reference weight.

In addition, it seems that if the diets do not work, it's because the caloric deficit that you impose on your brain causes it to disrupt the basic metabolism. Result ? The brain registers deprivation and to protect itself against this imposed famine, it spends fewer calories.

How to regain your weight "health"?
To have a "healthy" weight, it is enough to set up healthy habits in your daily life.

We will therefore quote you a non exhaustive list of actions to adopt if you want to find and especially to maintain your ideal weight:

- Sleep enough: Sleep is very important to lose weight permanently. Indeed, lack of sleep leads to more feelings of hunger during the day since your hormones are disrupted. When you are not sleeping enough, your body secretes ghrelin, a hormone that causes cravings.

- Eat quality foods at fixed times: To slim down, be sure to eat organic and natural foods that will give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Eat at set times and avoid snacking between meals. Choose high fiber vegetables that promote satiety. Avoid added fats and sugars.

- Do a regular sports activity: In addition to the many benefits of integrating a physical activity into your daily life, sport proves to be an ideal way to take muscles at the expense of fat. Thus, to eliminate your unsightly bulges and have a toned body and especially maintain it over time, practice a sport that you like and practice regularly.
Calculate Your Ideal Weight